Chapter 31

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It's been three weeks and nothing has changed with Cassidy, the doctors think she may never wake up. All Jazzy does is ask questions about her and wonder when she'll wake up. Honestly, that's the least of my concerns. I'm not even twenty years old and I got shit going on that make a nigga seem like he in his forties. Raising a child, dealing with Cassidy and Breauna shit, not hearing from my sister and now I got to break all this shit down to my parents tonight. I don't have time for none of this shit, but my ass gone deal with it still..

Right now Jazzy is halfway sleep, while I'm getting her dressed. She has on a peach peplum shirt, a floral pair of shorts and some sandals. A nigga know how to dress baby girl, her hair is in two puffs and she got a peach headband on with a flower on it. She got her little feet and toes done not too long ago so she all girly up. I know one thing for sure she's expensive! Her room is surrounded with hello kitty, she has hello kitty tutus, shoes, stuffed hello kitty's. Anything you can imagine.

Leaving the house I go to my "parent car", 2016 Audi Rs 7 and buckle Jazzy in her hello kitty booster seat. She was still sleep by the time I pulled up to my parents house. I noticed more cars than usual parked in the drive way, which meant more bull shit for me to deal with. Unbuckling baby girl I pick her up and grab her bag which had two extra sets of clothes and her iPad and some other crap to keep her distracted.

Walking up a couple of steps I get to the door for it only swing open and see my mother. Forcing a smile on my face I greet her with a little hug while she's all in my face asking if I'm okay and so on. The whole thing I don't understand about her is how she acts like everything is okay after everything she's done. But that's a different story for a different day.

Walking into the house I hear voices from the living room. Everybody is here, ma #2, pops #2 (Jayson's parents) , Aniyah, some guy next to her, Jayson, & my parents. I had a feeling that this shit was gone be long, it's already seven and I gotta go see Cas.

" who's she? "
" who child is in your hands? "
" I know damn well you didn't bring no bitch child in my house. "

"Calm the hell down people" dad made the house go completely quiet. All the attention was on baby girl and I, and she was finally up. Her big eyes was staring into mine and her eyes were watery.. "daddy why they yelling at me?" Her voice was soft I believed she wanted it to come out as a whisper, but everybody in the room heard it. What pissed me off is that I saw a tear roll down her face "hey don't cry baby girl, cover your ears for a second for daddy." She snuggled into my chest with her hands covering her ears.

"Family or not, y'all will not ever in your life make my daughter cry. I promise you if she wasn't here it wouldn't be a pretty picture. Now we're going to leave and I hope this dysfunctional ass family have a wonderful dinner." Turning around I was ready to leave but guess who stopped me. "No you don't, not so fast little boy. You won't dare ever come into my house again using that type of language and disrespecting us. I am your moth-" I cut her off real quick. "Fuck you mean? You didn't raise me, if anything Mama Tiff my mom, you left us for a white man. You left us, I was five and you were gone. I don't give a damn if dad forgave you, you damaged all your kids. Where's Jayona? Huh. When the last time you saw or heard from her? Exactly. How old am I? What's my favorite color? What am allergic to? I tried not to disrespect you but you pushing shit." I forgot all about Jazzy in my arms. But one thing I do know is that if she don't get out my face with all this crying its not gone end pretty.

- Flash back

"Mommy where are you going?" I held on to her hand whole Jayona was hanging on her legs.. She had so many bags and suit cases with her, she promised she wouldn't ever leave and I see her leaving. "Mommy loves you, always remember that. Jay I see so much potential in you, always remember that. Onna your beautiful don't let anybody tell you different, I love you both forever and always." Her voice crack, but I still held onto her for dear life.

"If you say you love us mommy why are you leaving me? Why everybody leaves me? Your suppose to always be her and you leave just like grandma, uncle packey, and aunty Lisa. Clifford gone too!" Jayona said, she was only seven at the time.

It was true though all our life everybody disappeared and she was leaving just like the rest. I cried my eyes out holding on her hand, "I'll be back okay? Tell your daddy I love him and remember I love you both." She placed to gold chains on her neck before John her new man came and swept her away from us. She appeared when I was about 13 and Jayona was 15. But we were already fucked up by then.

- Flash back over

"I came back! I tried, I tried to be there for you when I came but all yall do is throw that in my face. I made mistakes, I know. I was barely 30 with two kids and a husband who was never home. So sorry if I needed time to my damn self for a little bit." Time to herself?

"If you needed time to yourself you shouldn't have had kids nor a husband! But you did so instead of running away you should've dealt with your damn responsibilities!" Jazzy was now removed from my hands. She let out one of them damn evil chuckles. "I shouldn't have even raised yall damn children, I didn't want yall, it's better for you to know now than later right? Right Jayceon!" My father started to shake his head "shut the fuck up Tyanne, I promise I'll kill you if you opened up your damn mouth." The room was silent, there was so much tension in the air.

"I AM NOT YOUR DAMN MOMM-" before she finished dad hands was around her throat and all I could think is I need a vacation before I felt my self falling and started to see black spots....

Jayceon's mother in the MM, this took awhile to write 😐 but I'll try to update soon😋😘 vote .
- Tori 💘

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