Chapter 27

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The next couple of chapters will be all about Cassidy. Her past and what's going on now. Everything should be filled in soon from Cassidy's Point of view. now on to the book...


I was now at the graveyard looking down at the graves before me. It was just like everything came back to me. The memories of their deaths and giving birth to Jazmine. My first baby, although her birth was painful.

I'll do it all over again just to have her in my arms one last time. Her skin was so pale, her breathing came I'm ragged breaths. The doctors told me I had 3 hours tops with her before she would leave me. They told me that she was to young, her lungs wasn't fully developed and they probably wouldn't ever develop. They told me that if they were to try and help her progress she would be in pain all her life, stuck in a box going thorough things that a parent would never want their child to go through. So I did the best thing I could do, I wanted her out of her misery. I didn't want her to be in pain.

So I spent my time with her until her last breath and I have a strap book of us, I have videos of us. That's how I'll forever remember her.

It happened so quick one hit sent to three hits and that went to us fighting. He threw the first blow an it just went on and on. I tried to defend myself and my baby, but he was stronger and I was stupid. He pushed me into the table, smacking me, chocking, kicking me and everything else. I fought back for me and my baby.

But by the time I got to the hospital I was in and out but I knew I had to push her out. I was by myself going through more pain then I could imagine. Dealing with my body being sore and having to push another human out of me.

I wanted to give up. I was so close to giving up and just dying, but then I knew he would have the satisfaction of ruining me. I would never want him to see me at my breaking point, but he did when he almost killed me.

After giving birth I did go unconscious about two or three times. But when I was finally stable I knew that I only had a short amount of time with her. I named her Jazmine Cassie Legend. Jazmine because my father always loved that name and Cassie because my mother name was Cassie. I knew that my baby being a Legend she would be strong and I loved her for that. She was strong instead of having 3 hours with I had 5 hours and I was there until her last dying breath.

After she died I was depressed I felt as if God didn't want me to be happy. That he just wanted me to be miserable. It's like just in a matter of time my world turned upside down and I felt alone, like everyone was against me or out for me.

I locked myself up in her baby room. Everything was finish, her walls were a light yellow and it was one wall that was pink. Her name was painted on the pink wall in a vanilla typeish color. Her crib was vanilla mainly everything was vanilla. She had a closet full of clothes and shoes. Literally her shoe closet was completed. She could wear a different pair of shoes for each day of the month. She was my baby, her room is still untouched in my condo. It's locked and going in there would bring back thousands of

Although David ruined everything for me I know he's still in Atlanta probably trying to hunt me down and kill me. He must've forgot who my father was and what title I used to have in the streets... After Jazmine died and after depression stages I became ruthless and was known as Queen Legend.

I got school tomorrow 😩 anyways I'll probably update next weekend or if I have any free time. vote 😘

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