His reaction to you breaking up with him

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Suga: "What?!" You stood there your head hanging low.

"I think it's for the best, I mean, if I break up with you. Your career will be better without me." You bit your lip.

"Do you really think I would give my career more priority than you?" Helding your hand in his.


"I love you (Y/N), I would give my shit to others. Just don't leave me." You laughed at that part.


Jin: "Why are you breaking up with me?! What did I do wrong?!" He said angrily.

You've never seen this side of him before, and it scared you.

"You know what? I think we should really break up. I thought you love me, but I was wrong."

"Jin, I really love you. But it's for your career."

"So what if it's for my career? Why would you break up with me?! No one is forcing you!"


You saw tears in his eyes, you hugged him. But he pushed you away and left you there crying.

Rapmonster: He sat there silently, staring at the floor. "Namjoon?"

"Why (Y/N), why? I'm sorry, did I do wrong? Tell me, I will change for you just please." He placed his hands on his face and start to sob.

"You did nothing wrong. But maybe it can help your career." You said patting his back.

"Please don't leave me." He said hugging you on your waist.

You sigh in defeat and place your head on top of his.

"We'll work it out. Just don't go."

J-Hope: "Why?! Why?! I knew this would happen!" He pulled on his hair.


Tears started to spill from his eyes. "Why would you break up with me? Tell me!"

You looked down at your feet. "I don't think this is working out."

"Not working out?! (Y/N) there are many couples out there who have been together for a long time! Why can't we do it?! You're so selfish!" He said walking out the door and closing it creating a loud bang.

Jungkook: He stood there silently crying. You can hear his soft sobs which makes your heart clench.

You didn't want to, but their manager forced you to do it.

"Jungkook, you're a worthless boyfriend. I don't know why I chose you." You snickered.

It hurts saying those words to him but you have to, for the sake of his career.

"(Y/N), I thought you loved me?"

"I never did."


"Are you deaf or something?! I said I never loved you! You're so childish. Gosh! I only kept up with you for fame."

He frowned at you. "You know what (Y/N), you're such a bitch! I was loyal to you for our relationship. But you? How could you? After all those things I did for you? I wish you go to hell." He said, anger and hurt filled his eyes.

Those words hurt but you have to be strong. So that he won't notice that it has an affect on you. You just want to hug and kiss him and tell him that you were just forced to do it. But you can't, he walked towards his car and before he could get in, he gave you the middle finger.

Jimin: "Jimin, we should break up." You saw hurt filled his eyes for a moment but it quickly vanished.

"Yeah, we should." He gave you one last hug and kiss on the cheek, and went your own ways.

Little did you know after you guys are far away from each other, both of you would break down.

V: Grabbed all his things without saying a word and moved to Mars. His home.

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