Love Is Not Over: Jimin

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What to do?

What to do?

"How can she not remember me?" Jimin whispered to himself.


"(Y/N), you okay?" Jimin asked as he helped you get up from the ground.

He dusted off your pants and carried your bag with his shoulder. "You're so clumsy, pabo."

You huffed and tried to get your bag from him, "Hey, hey.. I just helped you and now you're acting like a brat."

"Yah! Jimin! You were the one who purposely put your foot forward!" You said.

He chuckled and patted your head, "Jagiyaaaa, sorryyy. I was just messin' with you." He whined.

"Tch." You replied and snatched your bag from him and went ahead.

Meanwhile, "That's why I love you." He said, as he watched you walk away.

You whipped your head towards him and said, "You coming or not?"

He smiled and ran towarda your side, interwining your fingers together. "Let's go?"

Flashback end.

He scratched his head and got up from his seat. He adjusts his tie and straightened his shirt before he went out the room.

As he opened the door, he was greeted by a mob of paparazzi's and fans. He waved at them and even posed for a picture.
When he was about to head the other way, he heard an all too familiar voice.

"Park Jimin!"

It was a female voice, and resounded yours. He turned towards the voice and saw you.

"Jimin, can we interview you for our report?" You asked.

He was dumbfounded as to why you didn't react when you saw him. Infact, you guys were bestfriend when you were younger. His heart ached at the thought.

You were pushed aside by one of the guards and Jimin saw it. It led him to get pissed and frowned, "Hey! How dare you!"

He grabbed your hand which made you drop the camera and led you towards a more private place.
When you guys got there, he pushed you on the wall and blocked your way making you look at him.

He was tired of all the pretending, tired of all the secrets, and most especially... he's tired of hiding his love for you.

"Don't you know me?" He asked.

You only stared at him and chuckled, "Of course, you're Park Jimin. A member of the group Bangtan and a professional model, right?"

He frowned and asked once more. "Don't you know me?" By now, he raised his voice.

You were caught off guard by his sudden outbreak and sighed, "I do."

"Park Jimin, you pabo." You continued.

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