This Is It

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This chapter is written in the past on 6.24.20, just thought I'd say that. And it was also very fun writing this one the most, this is my new favorite chapter

2 Months Later
3rd Person:
"I guess this is it." The raven haired boy said walking into the empty room, "I guess it is" The chestnut boy said following behind him into the room. both boys looked around the empty room looking at all the memories they have made along the way , how much they have been through in this crazy journey. The raven haired boy turned over to see his soon-to-be husband sitting down on the floor with a blank expression staring out the window. "Why are you on the floor?" The raven haired asked chuckling, "So I can think." The chestnut said still staring out the window. "What you trying to think about?" The raven boy asked with a look of curiosity in his eyes. "Of this new chapter we are about to make in our life." The chestnut said looking up at his fiancé with a slight smile. The raven haired smiled at his fiancé, knowing that he made a good choice. "Come here." The raven haired pleaded putting out a hand to help the chestnut up. The chestnut grabbed the boys hand and lifted himself off the ground. The raven haired stared into the chestnuts gaze admiring the beauty in his eyes, then pulling the boy into a slow and passionate kiss.

After about 3 minutes both boys finally pulled away to catch their breath. "I love you so much." The chestnut said looking up at the raven haired. "I love you too." The raven haired said pulling the chestnut into a tight hug. The chestnut wrapped his arms around the ravens neck and laid his head on the buffer boys chest. The moment was interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door.

They pulled away to see the chestnuts younger brother standing in the middle of the door way half way peeking his head in. The raven haired noticed the tension in the room between both brothers. "I need to talk to Alex. I'll be right back" he said leaving both boys alone.
"So how far away is the new place?"The younger one asked. "Like a few city's down?" The older one said stepping closer. "Damn that far? Well good luck getting visits from me" he chuckled making the other one laugh. "I'll miss you." Tony said pulled his brother into a hug. "I'm not that far away" Ondreaz muffled into his brothers shoulder. "Your a few city's away, sounds far to me" he chuckled pulling away from the hug. "At least you won't be alone, You got nick"Ondreaz said slightly pushing his shoulder. "and you got thomas" the other said pushing his shoulder back. the older smiled and pulled the younger back into a tighter hug. "if anything happens between you and nick, make sure to give me a call." ondreaz said pulling away, the younger nodded. "Dre? you ready to go?"thomas asked walking back into the room. the chestnut nodded and patted his brothers shoulder and left the room.

"So whats up with the moving truck? is someone getting kicked out? are you guys moving places?"Fletcher asked the couple with the camera pointing at both of them. thomas shook his head. "actually no. me and ondreaz are moving out."he said putting on his mask. "oh yeah congrats on the engagement by the way. how long ago was that?" he asked. "like about two months ago." thomas said. "oh really, i thought it was recent causing ive barely been seeing the tweets." he said. "well me and thomas just wanted to keep it on the down low and come out to everyone when we were ready." ondreaz said stepping into the conversation. "oh alright then. so what are you guys gonna go now? i mean it looks like you are leaving the hype house for good. who is gonna be the manager now?" fletcher asked. "i think the house can go without a manager, i mean chase and alex will take good care of it, plus a lot of us already have our own managers so i dont think they would need me." Thomas said, "alright then, so where is the new place?" he asked, "i wont say but its a few cities down from here."thomas said. "oh okay, well ill let you guys go and continue on with your day."he asked starting to back away. "yeah see ya man." thomas said walking over to the truck. "bye man" fletcher said zooming his camera in on the couple while they drive off.


"And that's the last box!" The raven said placing the last box down in their new small home. "Finally!" The chestnut said dropping to the ground. "Come on, we have to unbox them now baby!" Thomas said sticking his hand out in front of the other boy. "Can't we just take a break?" Ondreaz whined. "Fine, just for a few minutes" Thomas said sitting next to Ondreaz. "Lay down" the chestnut whined again. Thomas groaned and laid down while Ondreaz got on top of him and laid his head on the ravens chest.

"okay! lets get up." the raven groaned trying to sit up. the chestnut whined and snuggled more into thomas's chest trying to get into a comfortable position, while the raven pleads to get up. "i need to get up ondre" thomas whined. "lets just sleep on the floor and unbox everything tomorrow."ondreaz said getting off the taller ones lap and laying on the soft carpet. "you can sleep on the floor, i will go unbox everything" thomas said getting up, "but i dont wanna sleep here alone." ondreaz whined. thomas opened a box filled with their sheets and threw over a blanket and pillow to ondreaz. "hey!" the older pouted, the raven chuckled and walked back over to the chestnut. "get some sleep and ill wake you up when im done putting the bed together." thomas said kissing the boys cheek, the older blushed and nodded. "i love you." the taller whispered walking away.

"i love you too" the chestnut whispered while drifting off into sleep.

1036 words.

one more chapter!

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