The Pool

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A/N: sorry the last chapter didn't include as much talking I'm still a kinda new to this btw I'm writing this at like 2:00Am so who knows if some of this makes sense.

Friday, 11:37 am
Ondreaz POV:
I woke up with a pounding headache. I barely even drank last night but I just feel hungover and I don't feel like getting up.
After about a few minutes I heard the door open and someone jumping on me.
"WAKE UP"I heard tony yell into my ear, I groaned and got up"come on breakfast is ready downstairs" tony said while leaving the room, I got up and changed into my outfit for the day and headed downstairs, while I was walking down the stairs I saw Thomas and Mia together and I felt something weird in me like I didn't like seeing them together. I shrugged it off and went to go eat breakfast.

While I was eating tony came over and sat next to me "you coming to the party tonight?"he asked? "What party?" "The one Thomas talked about, we're gonna be heading over to the sway house for it." "Oh yeah, then I'll be there" I said while finishing my food,

3 hours later
Everyone decided to hang out in the pool before we went to the party.
I put on some board shorts and a tank top, while I was heading outside to the pool I looked out the window and saw a shirtless Thomas tanning next to Mia on the trampoline, I stared through the window for a few more minutes before walking outside, while I got outside I looked down and saw my member was a little bit out, I got outside and tried my hardest to cover it up, eventually I gave up and thought it went away. I sat down on the edge of the pool and put my feet in the water swinging them back and forth, while I was doing that tony swam over to me and whispered to me "dude why do you have a boner?!" He asked, my eyes widened and before I could even stand up I felt someone push me into the pool, I turned around and saw a chuckling Calvin with Alex behind him and a camera in his hand, I quickly got out of the pool ready to chase Calvin but then I hard ryland yell across the pool saying "Ondreaz do you have a boner?!?"

416 words

For Life | Thomas Petrou X Ondreaz Lopez Where stories live. Discover now