Taekook - Operation: Then I'm Yours 16

Start from the beginning

I couldn't believe my parents let me stay at someone's house on a school night. I still woke up early to get ready though. I took Taehyung's handcuffs off earlier, and his wrists were kinda red which made me feel bad. 

So I held an icepack on them and Taehyung got spooked, hit his head on MY head, he fainted, I fainted, he's still asleep, and now I'm awake with a small bruise.

I put on my clothes from yesterday.

Knock knock

I turned around. I walked to Taehyung's door, and opened it a little bit. Taehyung's  brother magically had my backpack in his hands.

"Someone named Jung-hyun dropped this off for you," he said, handing it to me.

"Oh, thanks kid."

"You're still a kid too? I am two years younger than you. And mentally, I'm probably--"

I closed the door before nerd number one could start talking nonsense. I turned back around to see Taehyung sitting up with messy hair and a sleepy face.

"What time is it?"

God damn his sleepy voice is hot.

"Six thirty," I replied.

Taehyung nodded. I was making sure everything was in my backpack, until I heard:


"What?" I said turning around nervously.

"My ass hurts like crazy," Taehyung said.

"Ohhh that's what sore is. Huh, glad that didn't happen to me." I blew Taehyung an air kiss which he immediately, air flicked it away.

"Need help?" I asked.

"I'm fine," Taehyung replied.

He tried moving to the edge of the bed, but then fell off.

I scoffed.

"Leave me here," he said.


"Jungkook why are you holding up Taehyung?"

Yeah, I forced the boyfriend to school. I was well aware he had a math assessment today and I wasn't going to tell him flunk.

"It's a long story," I said.

When you get to school, you either wait in the foyer or front. On certain days you could come in early to practice dance in the studio, singing in the music room, or studying in the library. So my friends and I were in the library (in the most hidden spot behind the big book shelves) as I plopped Taehyung onto a couch.

For some reason, Lisa choked on her drink.

"Taehyung what was that face you made just now?" she asked, gagging.

"What face?"

"Like you were in hella pain." Now Lisa is fired up. I don't even know how she catches things like that.

"Oh, I'm sore."

And that's when I decided to turn the corner, before BamBam grabbed the rim of my sleeve, pulling me down to sit next to him. Then he threw his legs on top of mine so I wouldn't escape.

"Why would you say that?" I asked, annoyed.

"Nothing to hide?" Taehyung shrugged.

I groaned.

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