Chapter 27: Death to the Wicked Witch

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POV Change


We walk through the dark depressing looking underside of Atlas. In other words, the poor district.

Weiss: This is terrible.

C: Tell me about it. This is where most of the criminals hang around. Or they did until I started working in this area. They moved up towards the higher levels which meant more Military they had to sneak around, but it was much better then them risking their lives down here against me. Even with the crime rate of this sector down, the place still sucks.

We continue until we get to Doc's place. We all walk in and he looks over and greets me.

Doc: C! My boy it's great to see you!

C: Doc Polendina!

We shake hands and then Maria steps up.

Maria: It's been too long Pietro.

Doc: Do I know you?

Maria: Prosthetic eyes? You do a check up every ten years?

Doc: Maria! Has it been ten years already.

Maria: More or less, I ran into these clueless youngsters on my way here. They'd be dead without me.

C: Doubt.

Doc: Well I-

Suddenly roars and screams come from outside. I look back at the group.

C: Stay here. Unlike me you don't have Atlas military clearance, you'll be arrested if you try to do any Huntsman activities.

I run out into the street and see Grimm approaching. I also know the other's followed me despite my protest. I pull out two pistols and fire shots off until I hear the clicks of the guns. I then flip over one of the beowolves and kick the one behind it. I then dodge to the left and grab the beowolf by the neck and flip it over me. I punch it's head making it cave in. I look around and they're all dead. I turn around and smile at my group.

C: Easy.

I'm then hit with a bolas and taken to the floor. I snap the wire and get up as a group of Atlas ops walk up to me.

Atlas Ops 1: Hey you're under arrest for the possession of a relic and unlicensed huntsman activity.

C: Atlesian Secret Operative, Noon. Code: 5C0B69.

The Ops scrolls all light up signaling a superior officer.

Op 2: Our apologies sir!

C: Take us to Ironwood.

Op 1: At once!

With that they get us a ride up to a the higher parts of Atlas. Eventually we make it to his office and he greets us.

Ironwood: C! And students! It's been too long.

C: I have a couple of questions sir.

Ironwood: Of course.

C: Is the Winter maiden safe?

Ironwood: Did you not run into her during the Grimm attack?

C: No?

The door behind us opens and in steps... Penny. She is older with longer hair and a different outfit. She looks over at us and gasps. Ruby's eyes widen and she covers her mouth with her hands. She lunges at Penny and pulls her into a hug. They both fall to their knees and Ruby cries into Penny's shoulder. We all gather around her and hug them both as Ruby begins to calm down. I look over at Ironwood and ask him what's on my mind.

Straight to the Punch (Yang Xiao Long X OP OC) Multiverse Tales Book 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt