Chapter 7: Night On the Town

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I wake feeling extremely warm and I'm laying on something very soft. I try to sit up, but I'm quickly pulled back down. I finally open my eyes and see well honestly not much except cleavage. I feel my face go red as I dart my eyes away. I then realize I'm in Yang's bed and her embrace. I try to wiggle out without waking her but right when I make some progress she just feels around for me. It honestly looks adorable. However I totally lost my chance at getting away due to me just sitting there like an idiot because while I was doing that she just so happened to find me and pull me straight back into her chest. Now while I admit this isn't a bad feeling or a bad situation, I'm honestly terrified of two things happening. One GearEyes finds out about this, and two Yang waking up and punching my face in. Both are equally terrifying. Now I'm caught between a rock and a hard place well not exactly hard pretty soft actually, but that's neither here nor there. Yang in her sleep holds me even tighter, pulling my face deep into her chest. There is no way I'm getting out of Sunshine's grip. I sigh and decide to go back to sleep. Or at least I planned to if it wasn't for a specific Rosebud. A loud click sound happens and I turn my head in that direction and see Ruby with her scroll out.

C: What do you think you're doing, Imoto?

Ruby: Oh you know, blackmail.

C: Ruby.

Ruby: Besides, I don't think you could escape right now even if you wanted to.

She goes to the closet and pulls out her uniform.

Ruby: Don't worry Onii-chan, you only have about thirty minutes till Yang wakes up.

C: Imoto, if I'm stuck here I can't make breakfast.

Ruby: Living sounds like a better option.

She walks into the bathroom with her uniform. She walks back out and heads to the door.

Ruby: I'm going to have these developed. I'll make sure to get you a copy, Onii-chan.

With that she leaves. I'm not actually sure where she is going to go to get them developed, but it's not like I can stop her now. I sigh and just decide to go back to sleep, but that wasn't happening. I was up and that wasn't going to change. The only thing I could do was wait for either Yang to let me go or her to wake up. I did try a couple of times to escape her grasp, but I never got as close as I did that first time. Due to my escape attempts Yang in her sleep had decided the best way to keep me there was to become as close as possible. Her legs were wrapped around my midsection and she hugged my head so close to her chest it's a miracle I can still breathe. Her hands gently grasp my hair as she sleeps. Now most people would not be allowed to even touch my hair, but I'm not a huge jerk about it. One she is asleep, and two she is a friend. I'm kinda just hoping she doesn't pull on it. Eventually I hear Blake get out of her bed and go into the bathroom. When she steps out, I hear Arsenic get up and then finally Yang starts stirring a little. She yawns and tightens around me a little more before she opens her eyes and looks at me.

Yang: mornin

Her hair is a mess and a little of it is in her eyes. She just looks at me sleepily as I move her hair out of her eyes. Suddenly her eyes widen and she pushes herself back. However her hand accidentally gets caught in one of my curls and pulls it making me hiss in pain.

Yang: I'm sorry I didn't mean to!

C: Stop, it's alright. It didn't hurt that bad.

Yang: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be all over you in the middle of the night. It's just th-

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