Chapter 17: First Round of Finals

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POV Change

Narrator POV

Port: Now for the moment you've all been waiting for... THE ONE ON ONE FINALS!!!

Nine people stand in a line. C, who is now wearing a simple pair of blue jeans a black shirt and a yellow hoodie, Yang, some guy, Sun, two other guys, Penny, Mercury, and Pyrrha. The crowd goes wild.

Port: Barty, why don't you explain the rules.

Oobleck: Ah, it's quite simple Peter. Instead of a bracket system, each round of the finals will be randomly determined immediately before the match takes place.

Port: Much like any good hunt, there will be zero time to prepare.

Oobleck: Ah, yes, yes. And don't forget about the wild card.

Port: Right. One of the fights will be a one v one v one. The first in Vytal Festival history.

Oobleck: Now let's see who our first match will be.

The two randomizers start spinning until they stop on Mercury Black and Yang Xiao Long. The crowd cheers when suddenly a siren breaks out.

Oobleck: It appears we'll be getting our wild card out of the way now!

A third randomizer spins until it stops on

The crowd goes ballistic.

Port: Yang Xiao Long, Mercury Black, and C!


Arsenic: GET EM TEACH!

Port: Would all other combatants, please leave the stage.

Everyone else walks off as Yang, C, and Mercury get equal distance from each other. C removes his hoodie and tosses it away.

C: I'm not going easy on you, Sunshine.

Yang: Good. I like it rough.

C: I walked right into that one.

Mercury: You both act like you'll actually win this thing.

C: Well even if I don't. You sure as hell won't.

A set of lights rises into the air as the stage elevates itself. The light kick on making the stage light up in a dramatic fashion. The three of them all turn and get into their stances and slowly approach each other.

Port: Three. Two. One. FIGHT!

Yang cocks back a punch and Mercury goes for a kick, but C catches both of them. The force makes a shockwave that pushes Yang and Mercury back from C. Mercury waste no time rushing in to kick C, but he teleports away. Mercury's kick almost hits Yang, but she front flips over him and spins around. She fires a shot at him, but he dodges and they start delivering a series of blows back and forth until a shot from Yang sends them both flying back. As Mercury lands someone taps his shoulder and he kicks behind him, but C teleports in front of him and delivers a quick backflip kick to Mercury's chin. He then grabs the guys foot and slams him into the ground. C then rushes at Yang. She fires some shots at him, but he dodges them and goes for a body blow. Yang blocks it and she tries to shoot C but he keeps dodging. Yang then goes to punch him, but he blocks all her attacks until she hits him across the jaw sending him back a little. Mercury rushes in and tires to axe kick Yang, but she blocks it and tries to hit Mercury with a shot. He ducks under it and delivers a backflip kick to Yang's chin. She lands and fires behind her to rush Mercury and try to hit him, but he blocks all of her attacks. He then delivers a quick kick to Yang's back and goes for another, but she rolls back. C then rushes in and belts one across Yang's face and he then grabs Mercury's leg and spins around before tossing him away.

Straight to the Punch (Yang Xiao Long X OP OC) Multiverse Tales Book 2Where stories live. Discover now