Chapter 9: First Day on the Job

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POV Change


I wake up and look at my scroll to check the time. It's eight thirty. I have an hour to get ready to teach my class.......AN HOUR?!?! I gently slip out of bed so I don't wake up Yang. I stop time and get dressed in a teaching uniform. It's just a white button down and red tie with black slacks. Formal wear is an apparent necessity for a Beacon teacher. In stopped time I make breakfast, coffee, and then after doing that race to my classroom. I let time catch back up and prepare my lesson plan for today.

C: Geez. First day working and I'm already looking like I'm going to disappoint. Must be a record.

Ozpin: Actually you'd be surprised.

I turn and see Ozpin walking in. He takes a sip from his mug.

C: Oh hey Professor. I'm just trying to figure out how I want to teach my students.

Ozpin: If I had to give you some advice. It would be to calm down. You'll only make it worse by worrying yourself about this. I have faith that you'll do great.

C: Thank you, Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: Also here is your role. You do remember what I told you, right?

C: If anyone wishes to not be in my role they just have to walk out that door, or tell me after class. This isn't a required class, so anyone is allowed to go.

Ozpin: Yes. Report to my office after class. I want to see how it went and how many decide to stay.

C: Can do. See you then.

As he leaves I got through my plans and nod finally having an idea. I grab the role Ozpin set on my desk and I take a look.

C: Oh yeah, I have practically all the first years. Geez. I wonder how they'll react at seeing me.

I get a huge smile on my face as an idea comes to mind.

C: This'll be fun.

Timeskip brought to you by chibi C teaching

Yang POV

After breakfast we all head down to one of the lecture halls.

Ruby: I can't believe we have a class on Sunday.

Weiss: Isn't it wonderful?

Yang: Once again we have drastically different opinions.

Blake: Just be glad it isn't a teacher we already have to see five days a week.

Arsenic: Maybe it won't be that bad.

Ruby: Yeah. Let's try to stay positive here team.

They walk into the lecture hall and see it empty.

Yang: Is this the right place?

Blake: Yeah.

Weiss: Unbelievable a teacher being late on their first day! How unprofessional!

Soon teams JNPR, CRDL, and a couple of others show up. They all walk in and take their seats. A solid ten seconds pass and the door flies open and in comes a man carrying a stack of papers so tall they cover his face. He has on a black trench coat, fedora, slacks and dress shoes.

?: My bad I forgot to bring in everything I needed.

He walks to the front of the room, sets the paper in his desk, and turns back to look at us. He tilts his head down, so that we can't see his face due to his hat.

Straight to the Punch (Yang Xiao Long X OP OC) Multiverse Tales Book 2Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt