Chapter 5: Caloric Overload

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POV Change

Narrator POV

For the next week C and Arsenic both got settled into Beacon. They were both well acquainted with both Teams RWBY and JNPR. Them both being late entries and the fact that everyone saw their initiation made them stand out in any room they walked in. Their presence alone earned them glares from some and smiles from others. Everyone from first years to fourth years were curious about them, but most wouldn't approach either of them. Arsenic being a kid made people look down at him despite him earning his way there and C was just super intimidating. Anyone who seemed to come at him or any of his friends with a less than pleasant aura would be met with a glare that would stop deathstalkers in their tracks. To put it simply C wasn't very open to people who seemed unfriendly. He quickly became the big brother of his group. If anyone was bothering his friends he was always there in an instant. His very presence would quickly diffuse any situation. May Oum and every other God have mercy on the souls of the unlucky ones who got caught being mean to Ruby. Most people weren't keen on the idea anyways because of Yang, but when C showed up suddenly there was an even bigger possiblity of getting your teeth kicked in. C took a fancy to protecting the innocent little Rosebud. It's safe to say no one even dared tease Ruby from that day on. Ruby meanwhile absolutely adored being around C and Arsenic. Being around Arsenic made her feel like an older sibling, a task she did not take for granted. She would play games with him and all sorts of stuff. With C she found out that as long as she didn't pull his hair he would shower her in head-pats, hugs, and cookies. Mostly due to her personality C absolutely loved her like a sister, he would give her piggyback rides and they would each get along extremely well. Weiss really seemed to enjoy being around Arsenic. She loved pampering the kid with clothes and toys. C she was admittedly less fond of. She didn't hate him, but she clearly had a preference. She simply didn't quite know what to think about him, on one hand he is a lovable giant who gets up every morning and makes them all breakfast, but on the other he is the guy who could tear apart a Nevermore with his bare hands and would glare at everyone who seemed to even look at any of them wrong. Blake was fond of Arsenic. She would read to him and help teach him how to do it himself. It was a slow process, but he was learning much faster than most kids. She also realized he was a faunus which made her want to protect him more. She got him a beanie to hide his ears so that way people wouldn't bully him if someone wasn't around to make them back off. She trusted C. He seemed to not care if people were faunus or not which immediately made him better than most people. He was also an avid reader, so she would give him books that he would always end up finishing in no time flat. He occasionally would go out and buy her some if he found something at the bookstore that he thought she would like. She did figure he was hiding something from them, but she didn't pry. He wouldn't talk about his past, but Blake knew where he was coming from about that. Yang was by far the most open to both of them. She loved Arsenic like she loved Ruby. She made sure to be as motherly as possible while also keeping her temper in check due to the kid's extreme pyrophobia. She would read to him at night when it wasn't C's night to do so. She would take him out to the park and play games with him whenever Ruby wasn't. With C she was very flirty and  she would always try to spend time with him. They genuinely enjoyed each other's company and easily got along better than anyone. They even considered the other to be something of a best friend. The only thing they both seemed wary of is the other touching their hair. Their personalities just meshed so well. He was calm and collected with a side of "I'll kill you if you touch my friends". She was fiery and wild with the exact same side. In fact she reminded C of someone very special to him, his Drifter. Though Yang was much more fun loving and flirty. C was just hoping her mother wouldn't be as crazy as GearEyes's because Lord knows he couldn't handle another crazy woman trying to kill and/or seduce him.

So what's happening right now? Well at this moment teams RWBY, JNPR, and COLR are all in the cafeteria in their school uniforms. Said uniforms were pretty standard school uniforms. White button downs, black slacks and red ties for the men, red pleated skirts and ribbon bows for the women, black dress shoes, brown vest for women, blue vest for men, and a black blazer with gold trim.

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