Chapter 31

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"I heard you went to see BTS' concert in Chicago?" I asked Yeonjun through the phone.

We Facetime once in a while, whenever they have a free time or when it's already really late in where he is at.

"Oh yeah!" He said enthusiastically, making me stifle a laugh. "They were so amazing, I'm so glad I get to experience it."

"The members were so inspired after the concert, honestly after watching them it made me want to perform more passionately just like them."

I just listened to him intently, admiring how happy he looks with all that's been happening with them lately.

"How have you been lately? It must've been boring and empty in the company." He asked me, turning the topic to me.

"Well, it is a little boring and empty here. There's not much people going around in our floor. Adora and I usually hang out after work as well." I told him, while swinging on my computer seat left and right. "There's been more trainees coming in and out of the company as well."

"Really? I actually still talk to some of them, the ones we trained with." Yeonjun said, laying down on his bed.

"I'm not even surprised, Yeonjun." I chuckled, I mean he's a social butterfly, it's not so surprising that he knows some of the trainees.

"I made some new friends, would you believe that?"

"Oh really?!" Yeonjun asked, seemingly surprised with what I said.

"Yeah, when Adora and I went to have some few drinks, we met Jamie and she's really nice and very approachable."

It's actually not so common for me to meet new people, since I don't really go out that much, I just do once in a while. I also just meet new people because of work and that's about it.

"Jamie is actually really nice, when we had our show where she's in, she made us really comfortable even off-cam." Yeonjun explained, I forgot that they've had a show with her.

I do really need some social life, huh?

"Speaking of variety shows, I have to tell you something." Yeonjun started off slowly, his eyes wandering elsewhere but the phone screen.

I can already sense that what's he's about to tell is really important.

"It's been weeks since I'm actually in a show now..." He started off, almost as if hesitating to continue on speaking. "But..."

He was abruptly stopped by the knock on his door.

"Babe, hold on a minute. I'll call you again some other time, okay?" He said in a hushed and hurried tone, catching me off guard.

"Oh! Okaaay, you should take a rest, okay?" I said, quite flabbergasted since he was about to say something but he wasn't able to finish it.

Then the call was quickly ended.

Leaning on my chair, sighing in curiosity on what he was about to say.

The boys must've been so tired, they've been performing every other day and had little time to even rest. In just a few days they'll get back here in Korea.

Shaking my thoughts out of my head, I then started doing some work. I'm trying to make a new song, no groups really need it now but I'm doing it for future use.

2 weeks later...

TXT came back to Korea 2 weeks ago, but up until now I haven't really spent time with them yet and it's totally understandable.

Concealed Attraction ㅣ TXT Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now