Chapter 11

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Author's POV

The five young boys caught up with their sunbaenim to greet them, since they thought it would be rude to just ignore them.

As Yoongi, Namjoon and Y/N are waiting for the elevator, they turned their head to the entrance of the company due to how noisy the boys are, which makes Y/N smile, finding them adorable.

Before the boys could say anything, Y/N beats them to it, "Hello boys! Nice to see you again!" Bowing to them. Making the two guys with her look at the younger ones.

"Ahh, you must be the debut team PD-nim was saying? It's nice to finally meet you guys." Namjoon, being his kind self initiated the interaction between them.

"Ah- yes, we will introduce ourselves formally. It's nice to meet you sunbaenim, my name is Soobin." Bowing in 90 degrees and smiling big making his dimples show.

Y/N is just watching their interaction, admiring. Knowing that the boys must be so happy meeting their seniors who they love and look up to so much.

"My name is Heuning Kai and I am the cutie youngest member of the team." Kai introduced himself gleefully— making his other members wince at his self-confidence in front of their seniors.

Namjoon and Yoongi seems to be enjoying it though, amused with the younger one, seeing a lot of similarities with him and Jin when it comes to self-confidence.

"My name is Yeonjun and I'm the oldest member of the team." He bowed as he introduced himself simply.

Namjoon looked at Y/N shocked and confused like he is indicating something, while Y/N is obviously avoiding the look the older one is giving to her.

"How old are you again, Yeonjun?" Namjoon asked nicely, which makes the other members— even Yoongi, confused with the sudden question.

"Ah- I am 20 years old, sunbaenim." Bowing once again as he replied formally.

This time Namjoon glanced at Y/N quickly and Yoongi can feel the building tension between the two, the other boys completely oblivious.

Y/N somehow getting uncomfortable, knowing what is about to come later.

"It's nice to meet you, Yeonjun." Namjoon said smiling tightly, making his dimples show.

"Hello, my name is Beomgyu and it is great to meet you!"  He said with much enthusiasm, somehow making the mood lighter for Y/N.

"My name is Taehyun and I am one of the youngest members as well." As he bowed to his seniors.

"It's nice to meet all of you, and nice to meet you again Beomgyu," Yoongi nodded at Beomgyu as an acknowledgement, "You too, Yeonjun."

"Make sure to do well for your debut okay? We will be rooting for you guys!" Namjoon said as he encouraged the younger ones.

"And please just call us hyung, sunbaenim is too formal. We will be seeing each other more often anyways." Namjoon added, making Yoongi agree. In which Y/N intercepted as well. "Please do the same for me, you guys are making me sound so old, in fact my age is very close to you guys!" Y/N pouted unconsciously, making the two older boys laugh at how adorable she is.

"I'm still young you know, unlike these two guys right here," Pointing at Namjoon and Yoongi, "they are getting old and frail." Y/N whispered to the five younger ones— making them laugh.

"Ya, don't badmouth us face to face, at least say that when we are not with you!" Namjoon said jokingly, making the younger ones watch in amusement and laugh along, not saying anything ad they were still shy to step into the conversation.

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