Chapter 27

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It's the next day and I'm here once again in my studio.

There's really nothing much to do, since every track that BTS and TXT needs are already done and ready for their own schedules.

I just came here to actually talk to Bang PD-nim personally, but I've already briefly told my request through text already, but to be more formal I still have to talk to him in person.

As I'm walking through the hallway, I can hear songs playing through BTS' practice room.

I got to the floor where Bang PD-nim's office is. I don't know why I'm getting slightly nervous, PD-nim basically gave me the go sign through text, but still.

I knocked on his door, feeling like this is a deja vu when I went to his office because he wanted to talk to me about the song Yoongi and I did.

"PD-nim, it's me.~" I said sweetly, waiting for him to open the door.

Bang PD-nim opened the door with a fatherly smile.

"Y/N~ What brings you here?" He asked nicely, as I walk inside his office. "Is it about the request you asked me about?"

"Yes, I feel like it's too informal to ask through text." I said with a slight awkward hesitation.

"Well, I'd still say yes anyway." He chuckled. "You can post your songs in a music platform online." He reassured me.

"Ah, I also have one more question." I said, I've been meaning to ask him this for a long time but I just hadn't had the right timing to ask him.

"Since BTS and TXT will both have tours and promotions, I have ample of free time in between too, is it possible for me to collaborate with other artists too? Like I'll send in to them the some songs I've made?" I asked with half eye closed, expecting a rejection.

Then a heard a soft chuckle.

"Of course, I wouldn't mind my producers to expand and learn through other artists as well." He explained nicely, with a smile.

"Really?!" I asked slightly surprised, "That was fast." I said almost to myself.

"Did you make other songs as well?" He asked.

"Yeah, I did. But those are the ones that I think doesn't really match BTS' or TXT's concepts." I explained, which making him nod along. "Do you want me to send it to you later?" I offered.

"I'd love to!" He said with a huge smile. "Anyways, the boys are going to start their tour two days from now, you'll go to their first show here in Seoul right?"

"Of course!" I said, finally sitting comfortably from my seat now that I don't really have anything to worry about anymore.

"They have a lot of schedules booked for them when they start touring in the States. They have interviews everywhere. I feel kinda bad though, that they won't have some rest during their tour." He said, sharing his thoughts.

It feels nice to have a normal conversation with him like this, it's very comfortable and makes me feel more open to him, like a father.

"I'm sure they'll cope up, they have their own ways to deal with stress anyways." I chuckled slightly.

"True, I'm also worried and surprised how TXT hasn't debut yet variety shows are already giving them some offers."

"Isn't that a good thing?" I asked.

"I mean, yeah it is. But I'm worried they might be too overwhelmed or pressured to do it. Also one of the offer is for one member to participate only."

Concealed Attraction ㅣ TXT Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now