Part 11: Well, We Found Her

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"Takuma, Hanabusa," They both turn their heads to give him their attention. "May I ask why this one girl means so much to you both to have you go as far as nearly drown for her?" 

The boys both stopped for a second. They understood what it means for Kaname, a pure-blood, to ask them a question, and yet they both found themselves choked up. Maybe it was because the situation hadn't set in and they still weren't okay with what happened to Chi, or maybe they didn't know how to tell him what she meant to them. 

Sure it was silly, they had met once or maybe twice, and yet, they felt themselves gravitating towards her. She had no flamboyant personality like Yuki or the other girls they have flirted with, but somehow, they are caught up on her. 

Whether they knew it or not, she was so different because she wasn't hanging around them because she has a crush on them, or because she was told to because they were of the same social status, but rather, she found herself hanging out with them because she genuinely enjoyed their company. An idea that was rather new to them both. 

Hanabusa, the woman magnet was at a loss for words. Sure he had 'friends' in the Night Class, but that wasn't the same. His vampire friends were the people he'd known from what feels like birth yet has had the same topic of discussion since then, no time for fun. Chiyo, however, gave new life to his definition of 'friend.' They may have only spoken a few times, but he still laughed and talked about something other than the boring duties that he as had since birth. 

Takuma however, knew that she wasn't a crush but he also knew that she wasn't a friend, because she wasn't like his friends in the Night Class. 

"Well, Lord Kaname," Takuma begins, "I'm not quite sure." 

Kaname gives them both an odd look, "What do you mean Takuma?" 

"Well, what I mean is that she does mean something to us, me at least, but I'm not quite sure what she means to me yet. She's not like our fellow Night Class students, our friends. She brings this life to our conversations that I don't feel when talking with my friends, or even my family anymore." 

"So she's your crush? You nearly drowned to save a girl you didn't realize you have a crush on?!" Kaname exclaims. 

"No, no, no. She's not like a crush, at least not one I've had before, but she's somehow more than a friend," He explains. 

"I understand what you mean Takuma." Hanabusa begins, "It's like she's the center of her own solar system, yet she's not a blinding light that is constantly there. She's like the moon, she has her own gravity but she only shines her light when you get to know her." Hanabusa adds in. 

Kaname, being the emotionally aloof person he is, didn't fully understand, but he did understand enough to know that Chiyo was their friend. "I don't fully understand, but from what I do understand, I get that she's your friend. That's what you're trying to say." 

Neither of them said anything. They both felt like she wasn't exactly their friend since every friend they've had before was, well, literally and metaphorically dead. 

One day they would understand she is their first real friend, but for now they continued walking in a slightly tense silence. 

Luckily for the three of them, they had all just arrived at the main building. Before they could enter, Kaname stops them. 

"Be careful, we don't want to scare her again," He warns. 

Hanabusa and Takuma both nod, not wanting to scare her off, again. 

Walking in, they all begin their search in the large building. The first corridor they enter down there are a few classrooms, not many for this was for the larger lectures. 

They each take a classroom to inspect. Kaname had the first one, Takuma the next, and Hanabusa had the last one. They inspected the classrooms as thoroughly as Kaien and Toga had before them. 

After not finding anything they moved onto the last three classrooms in the hallway. The same procedure occurred in the new classroom, not finding anything, except, in the last room on the left had just been used. At least, that's what Takuma thought when he felt the radiating heat coming from the teacher's lamp. 

"Guys!" He calls out for the other two, "I think someone was recently in here." Kaname and Hanabusa gave Takuma an odd look, the rest of the classroom seemed normal. "Here, feel the heat from the light bulb?" Takuma grabs Hanabusa's hand and pulls it down to feel the warmth. 

"Well I guess you're right," He utters. 

"Thank you, now lets go look for her!" They all begin to head to the split in the hallway. 

"Which way should we go?" Hanabusa questioned. 

They each look down the right side, more classrooms, and the left, a few classrooms and the medical bay. 

Down the right they heard movement, it was very heavy footsteps, probably a few girls trying to spy on the Night Class. 

Right as the trio was about to look down the left side to listen for movement they hear a person hitting the floor, presumably from the nurse's office since there was a rattle of the pill bottle hitting the floor also.  

"Well, I assume that was a student or a teacher, since the nurse isn't here today." Kaname comments. "I'll go check on them, you two can start searching the classrooms. Shout for me if you find anything." 

They both nod and the trio begins their separate ways, unaware of the events about to unfold. 

Approaching the old wooden door, Kaname takes a moment to think about how this whole day has been a mess. There were less reports of people going missing in the town, so either the level E died, changed towns, or somehow was changed into a regular vampire. The normal level E vampire is too blood crazed to actually be able to think about being conspicuous about their drinking, so there's no way they could've left town. 

 He knew he didn't send anyone to kill the level E, and there was no way for a human to do that outside hunters and the disciplinary committee. Since Kaien hadn't said anything about a hunter being here aside from the new teacher, Toga Yagari, that's impossible. 

The only way for a level E to be changed is for a pure blood to give them some of their blood. He hadn't sensed any other pure bloods around so what could have possible done it? 

Before he could ponder the question any more, Kaname was in front of the Nurse's office. He cautiously opened the door, expecting to find some random student or teacher, not Chi. 

Laying before him, was the girl everyone was looking for. Unconscious, again, on the floor with a pill bottle in her hand. 

He quickly turns to yell down the hall, "Guys! I found her!" Both boys appeared in front of Kaname "Shes unconscious right now, but I need you two to get the others, can you do that?"

After looking at the unconscious girl, they nod and disappear, looking for the others. 


Author's Note:

Alright y'all, now I know this was a short chapter, but that's because the next update will be kinda focusing on the other groups. Then we get to the good stuff. 

Any ideas on what's gonna happen next? All your comments really motivate me!

Hope y'all enjoyed!

Word count: 1887

The Untouchable Day Class Student (( Vampire Knight / Tokyo Ghoul ))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon