Part 4: Mind Games

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The large doors open and out comes the Night Class. It's Showtime. I turn on a false ghoul presence and watch the Night Class freeze and look for me again. I begin to make my way up on a hill, making it look like I am uninterested. I sit down and look at all of them, looking for me like ants for food. One of them looks up, and I am staring at.....

----------(Really quick: I am going off of the anime and Wikipedia so bear with me)----------------

From my hill top perch I watch the Night Class prance around, pretending that they are not looking for someone. The blonde guy from the train, Takuma I think, locks eyes with me. I smirk and give a little wave before standing and slowly walking away.

Before I totally left his sight, I saw him talking to the Kakamame leader guy. No, I think his name was like Kaname or something like that. I see them exchange words and try to listen in, but the loud fangirl screams stop me from hearing anything. Takuma nods and acts calm while walking towards me. We can't have their image ruined, can we?

I am several feet into the forest before I feel Takuma get out of sight of the fangirls. I break into a run, well I imitate a human run, almost baiting him to catch me. He finally catches up to me. We are running at the same speed, we look at each other and I smirk. I speed up a bit and then stop at a clearing.

"Who and what are you?" He asks, slightly raising his voice to reach me.

I pretend to zip my lips up and throw the key away. He looks very angry now, I just tilt my head to the side and we begin circling each other, waiting for someone to make the first move.

He launches himself towards me, reaching his arm out. I side step him, grab his arm and flip him. I stand over him for a moment, looking at his features, he seems to have very straight teeth, and his eyes are filled with irritation and confusion.

He grabs me, his hand on my ankle. I kick him in the side and move away. He holds his side and stands up. Whatever the Night Class is, Takuma will be their little messenger as to how strong I am, well the person I am mimicking.

He takes a moment to look at his surroundings, maybe looking for something to use to his advantage. I go towards him and jump off a nearby tree, allowing me enough momentum to jump on his head, pushing him down.

He stumbles a bit and leans against a tree. I see him look at the tree like he had an ides. Bring it on. He puts his hand on trunk of the tall pine tree. Then the lower part disintegrates, making the rest of it fall. It takes me a minute to realize that Takuma just disintegrated the lower portion of a very large pine that is now coming straight towards me.

I quickly move out of the way, only to be tackled by Takuma. The tackle took me by shock, but I quickly came back to reality when I see him trying to take my mask off. I undercut him that sends him flying. I readjust my mask, he almost saw my eyes. He stands up, brushing himself off.

I feel Kaname's presence quickly approaching. (A/N: SURPRISE! There was a tie between Kaname and Takuma, so I decided to do both!) I look to Takuma and put my finger on my lip, tilting my head to the side. I take a few steps backwards, then start running towards Takuma. He is startled at first but then takes a fighting stance. I jump up, using his head as a boost, then jump from tree to tree (like parkour wall running). I finally feel that Kaname will be in the right spot, so on this tree I push off, towards the ground.

While I am jumping from tree to tree, Takuma is watching me jump higher and higher in the small clearing. Suddenly Kaname appears and asks him where I went. Takuma looks at him and opens his mouth to respond, but the both hear something fairly heavy falling quickly.

The Untouchable Day Class Student (( Vampire Knight / Tokyo Ghoul ))Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat