Part 9: Nauseous Plans

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Chi's pov:

My alarm wakes me up and I roll out of bed, to the shower.  I quickly take a shower, washing the sleep off of me. I get ready and start walking to my class. 

I take a seat and start thinking about my new obstacles. I've got to vex the Night Class but I've also got to keep them in check, plus make sure no one is suspicious of me. Oh and I can't forget that once I tell Keizo what's going on I gotta keep him from any stupid decisions. Great. I put my head down on my desk and space out. 

I should really write back to Anteiku at some point. What would I even say? I'm no poet, it would probably end up being like, 'Hey guys I'm all good, met some crazy creatures, got hurt some, and suddenly got a loyal servant on accident but aside from all that life's been pretty good. Oh, and don't worry I am totally not in the slightest danger. Bye' That totally wouldn't provoke any suspicion. 

The bell rings and the teacher rushes in fifteen minutes later, scrambling to teach something. I didn't have the heart, or just, care enough, to point out how she is teaching History when this is Math. 

The lunch bell rings, releasing us from more of her made up History lesson. Today, it was about how China invented the Roman calendar. 

I think instead of going to the lunch room, I'm just going to go to the little garden I found the first day. I start grab my water bottle and start making my way through the sea of people, towards the fresh air. 

I finally get through the mob of Night Class crazed teenagers. I start walking back towards the dorms, watching for the old beaten path to the secluded garden. I take a right and follow the old path to the pretty fountain and flowers. 

You would really think more people would come here since we aren't really allowed off campus, but I guess the Night Class is enough for them. 

I take a seat on the old concrete ledge of the fountain. I begin thinking about the school and it's odd inhabitants. How am I going to bother the Night Class today, especially since I have Disciplinary Committee stuff I got to deal with. 

Maybe if I can break in before they walk out, change really quickly then act like I was outside the gates the whole time. That will probably work... As long as Zero doesn't get suspicious or any of the Night Class...or any of the Day Class.... It's gonna be a long night. 

I look at all the pretty flowers planted. Now, I know I'm no florist but there looks to be orange mock meaning deceit, some oleander meaning caution, monk-hood meaning beware or a deadly foe is near, begonias meaning beware, asters meaning wisdom, and lots of lavenders, violets, and white poppies all meaning peace or peacefulness and tranquility. 

I think the Headmaster planted these to warn people about the Night Class, but also tell them that this is a place of peace and learning too. This man is trying to tell people but he is so secretive about it, so many mixed signals! 

I start making my way back to class, pondering how I'm going to pull tonight off, when I over hear some students talking. 

"-that you mention it, I do see it," One girls says. I make sure my presence is off, just in case they are very perceptive humans. 

"Exactly!" A different girl exclaims. 

"I don't see it, she is clearly head over heals for Kaname," A third voice calls out. 

"Wellll, she did seem pretty close to Zero the other night," The first voice informs the others. Who are they talking about? 

"Are you kidding me?! Yuki is totally meant for Kaname! Have you seen they way they look at each other?" The third girl defends. 

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