My Strange Hero

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🌈Hey there!!! Eugene's back!

Let's begin!!!


School life , comedy , revenge and romance.

Main Leads

First Male Lead
Yoo Seung Ho

Character Name
Kang Bok Soo

Rowdy , energetic , kind , compassionate , understanding , carefree , impulsive and sympathetic.

TraitsRowdy , energetic , kind , compassionate , understanding , carefree , impulsive and sympathetic

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First Female Lead
Jo Bo Ah

Character Name
Son Soo Jung

Responsible , caring , insecure , hardworker , two-faced , shy before others , outrageous before close friends and strangers.

TraitsResponsible , caring , insecure , hardworker , two-faced , shy before others , outrageous before close friends and strangers

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Second Male Lead
Kwak Dong Yeon

Character Name
Oh Se Ho

Manipulative , cunning, envious , sophisticated , anti-social , hold grudges and unfaithful.

TraitsManipulative , cunning, envious , sophisticated , anti-social , hold grudges and unfaithful

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


Kang Bok Soo , a mischievous young brat who scores poorly in tests , and is popular for being the bully hunter , teams up with Son Soo Jung , a top rank holder of the class , who further promises to uplift his academic performance.

At the same time Bok Soo befriends Oh Se Ho , the weirdo timid guy of the class and the son of the school's controlling chairwoman.

As time flows by , both Bok Soo and Soo Jung develops feelings for each other.

But sadly they end up in separation as a consequence of a huge misunderstanding on Soo Jung's part and false accusation on the school's part for Bok Soo , who further gets expelled from the school right away , all framed by Oh Se Ho.

So thereby for settling the matter justly , Kang Bok Soo marks his return to the same elite school as a student after a period of nine years , only to find out Son Soo Jung as the homeroom teacher.

Don't just rely upon the visible truth , only to find genuine facts being hidden inside......

This drama beautifully portrays the struggles and trust issues one faces as a teenager during one's school life and if it's not healed or taken to a justification , the grudge can be harboured within oneself for a lifetime.

It also displays the bitter competitive outside world which further enriches all those negative feelings stored inside , and can easily crush the peaceful bondings that we hold tight.

Share Happiness , Share Light and Always Stay Bright.......

Trailers Ahead

A fan-made mv rolls in~

Keep Smiling!!!😊

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