20 » Run Away

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You guys were sitting inside that huge garage as the others did their jobs. You was now sitting at a table where a small radio was located. While spacing out, the radio shocked sounds snapped you back to the reality.

There's a newest announcements on the radio which were about blaming you guys for killing the D.E.A Agents who were happen to be apart of the so called train staffs.

Then, Hanse came towards your table and took a sit as his friends did the same. "Clover, what's up?" you sighed and looked towards him, "The police were now hunting us down in these cities. They blame us for killing the train staffs who were suprisingly a bunch of agents."

"Fuck those bitches." one of Hanse's friend say. "Watch your words in front of my sister, Seungwoo."

That Seungwoo guy lift both of his hands in defeat when another guy interrupt. "If I'm not wrong, you told us before that you didn't have any siblings."

"She's an adopted sister of mine, Sejun."

That Sejun guy nodded and they started to told you their names, "I'm Seungwoo, the leader and that's Sejun, Byungchan, Seungsik, Chan and Subin."

"Y/n's the name. Pleasure to meet you guys." they smiles before nodding their heads, "Pleasure to meet you too, Y/n."

Then, you guys started to talked when one of those boys came up to you while running, "Y/n, I found a chip."

Your eyebrows knitted together as you slowly take the chip off of his fingers, "It looks familiar... Hold up- Yeosang! May I borrow your laptop for a minutes?"

He nodded and ran towards you with his laptop in his grips, "Here."

You thanked him and then, you pulled out a charger wire and a random phones you guys found and connect the charger both on the laptop and on the phone after you put the chip inside the phone.

Then, you started to punch randoms buttons on the computer which make the others looked at you weirdly except for Hanse since he knew what you're doing. "Hanse, what is she-"

"Hacking dude. Don't worry, she's the greatest hacker I've ever met." The others nodded and saw some blank black screen appeared before randoms text, numbers and letters appeared.


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