5 » Bitches

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It was the next day after the worst yesterday where you suffered yourself all over the night after what happened. You can't joined the funeral today because the nurse said they will help you to do it.

As usual, you did your morning routine and wore on a plain black shirt and a black skinny ripped jeans. You wore your socks and put on your black pair converses. You tied the shoelaces up and tied your hair into a high ponytail. Then, you fixed your bangs and casually took your phone off with you.

You swing your backpack over your shoulder and exit the room of yours as you head downstairs, directly heading to the main door of the mansion.

You completely ignored Junseong and head off to the school by yourself. You walk, ignoring everything that was around you. You started to keep silent because everything you've been through yesterday already damaged you a lot.

Without noticing, you found yourself standing right in front of the school's gate. You walk inside and enter the building without any sounds coming from you. Then, you directly head towards the classroom while keeping yourself straightly quiet.

You enter the classroom and all of the school's princes looked at you with sympathy can be seen written all over their faces. You just head off to your seat and leave the backpack hanging on the other side of your table.

After sitting down, you immediately put your head on the table covered up by both of your arms.


You lifted your head and saw the fucking hoes standing by your table. You just looked at them with your poker face as they started to pushed your head.

“Look who we have here if it wasn't the fucking slut that paid Mr McDonnie to let her stay inside the class. Why, did you fucking need to be with these boys until you did it?”

They pushed your head and started to pull your hair. They continued to annoyed you until then, you started to lose your patience.

“Why don't you fight back, huh?! Are you that weak-”

Before she could finished her sentences, you slap her hand off of your hair and grab hers instead. Then, you slammed her head on the table.

She groaned and the other two started to backed away a bit but you manage to hold the other one and kick her stomach. Then, you turn grabbed the leader by her collar with you as you walked to the other one.

You kicked the last one and she hits the wall harshly. Then, you choke the leader and held her by the table.

“S-stop, Y/n! L-look, I'm s-sorry!” she begged as she struggles in your grips.

“Only now you wanna stop and apologise? I don't think so.” you said with your normal deep voice.

You slammed her off to the floor and she immediately backed away. You went closer towards her and grab her chin while titling her head up.

“When I don't fight back, don't think I'm that weak to be able to fight you. I didn't fight you cause I only gave you a chance. Don't blame me if any of you got home from school today having a broken arms or legs or even your neck. Or . . . You want me to break that fake fucking nose of yours, hmm?”

She immediately shake her head and you pushed her face to the other side and got back on your feet.

You turned yourself away and then was about to take a sit when you feel a cold hard metal thing pointed towards your head.

A gun . . . A fucking gun, huh . . . Fantastic!

You turned yourself over in a fast mode and grab the gun as you hit her wrist which make her dropped tbe gun but luckily, you catch the gun and twirl it around.

The gun hole was now facing that fucking hoes. Right . . . On her temple.

“You really want to die, huh?”

She gulped and the corner of your lips lift while forming a small yet dangerous smirk as they started to get shaky and scared.

You walked towards her and pressed the gun on her temple as she flinched when the cold metal surface touched her skins.

“Are you scare now? Poor little fucking hoes got scared just because of me.”

You mockingly said. A smirk grew even more wider as you see their helpless yet pathetic looking face. Then, a brilliant idea eventually come at the right timing which make your to smirk and decided to do it.

You started to pull the trigger and they started to shout in sync which make the boys inside the class looked at the three of them weirdly.

Crick . . . Crick . . . Crick

You started to giggles and they started to take a peek just to see nothing except for those boys who were staring at them weirdly.

“I told you not to mess with me and I bet your parents forget to tell you that an ANGEL can also be DEADLY.”

They gulped and you just threw the gun back towards her as she caught it off before it dropped to the ground.

“You was stupid enough to hold a gun and did you really think I wanna put that bullet inside your head? No thanks, I don't wanna make my hand dirty.”

You said as you sink onto your chair. You lazily throw your head to the back before turning towards them.

“What are you waiting for? Did you wait for someone to fucked that fucking slutty pussies of yours?”

They just looked at each other and your bring yourself up again.

“Do any of you guys wanna have sex with the three of these fucking cheap sluts?”

All of the male students inside the classroom shake their head as a no and the three of them lowered their head in embarrassment as a pink shades can be seen on their cheeks.

They immediately ran off from the classroom and you just rolled your eyes before closing them back.

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