(23) the truth

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It's been two days since we got home to our apartment.

Two days since we did that in the car.

Two days since we talked to eachother.

It was extremely awkward once we were out of the moment and had realized what we had done.

Yoongi had said a quick 'i'm sorry' while he waited as I unlocked the door and immediately rushed to his room and I did the same... well, to my bed, out of embarrassment.

How do you fight with someone and both become pissed off but then go ahead and do something like that a day later?!

I sit criss cross on my bed, currently home alone and taking time to think to myself.

I can't blame him... I started moving too and let him touch me.

I'd be lying to myself if I said I didn't want it.

I still get butterflies thinking about it.

I know he would've stopped if I had said to but... it's hard when feelings for him still linger.

I guess that's what took over me, the feelings I still have for Yoongi.

Since the start of camp I became a lot more attracted to him and I honestly did want him to touch me in more than a friendly way.

I wanted something more- I still want something more with him.

My feelings for him are pretty strong still, especially after that, and I wonder if his are too to make him do that but of course we're still pissed off at each other for what happened at camp.

It's been two very long days of us avoiding each other while being embarrassed, angry, and ultimately confused.

I need to talk to someone... I gotta clear my head and get real advice.

Are you busy right now?

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 💫
I have to tell you something important.

I do too, actually
And I need some advice.

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 💫
I think I know what this is about...
Meet me at the coffee shop at the end of your block at 5.

Thank you, Jimin:)


I grab a light hoodie to throw on and check the time.

4:45 pm


I pocket my phone and grab my keys, heading out and down the block to the small coffee shop to meet Jimin.

I step in and Jimin waves me over, two cups of hot coffee ready at the table.

"Hey Jimin!"

"Y/n! Sit down, I ordered for us already." He nudges the cup closer to me.

"I'm glad you came. I have something very important to tell you." He gets serious.

"Ah... yeah, I'm sorry that was put off for so long, what is it that you wanted to tell me at camp?"

I sip my hot drink and stare up at him, suddenly more nervous with his serious tone and expression.

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