(6) apartment

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Yoongi's POV

"I told you I was moving out! I'm 18 and I have the money and job to be able to. It's just... too cramped here, I don't have space for myself." I sigh heavily, rubbing my eyes.

It was too stressful being at home, living with such a big family all crammed into one space. I have to share my room with my younger brother and there's about six others, eight in total living here. The basement did nothing to help with space.

"Fine." My mother slams her fist down onto the kitchen table top, teary eyed.

This isn't the first time we've fought over this but we aren't a dysfunctional family either, we're all quite close actually but I just need my own space. My mother and other family members also rely on me a lot to do housework and take care of the younger ones, which I now hate doing.

They didn't just ask me to take on a few responsibilities, they dumped it all on me no matter what.Snatching my leather jacket from the kitchen chair, I rush into my room to grab the flyer and rush right back out, slamming the door.

I unfold the flyer for the cheap apartment complex and re read the time and location.
Stuffing the paper into my pocket, I head to the apartment complex that I had passed many times before. I like how nice it is yet still cheap and even right down the street from BP High.

It's perfect.

"Hey mom, I have an apartment that I had found last week that I plan to go check out today." I call out, throwing on my long tan coat.

"It's actually in Seoul, right down from my school so I think it'll be a good fit for me if the price works. I'm going to the open house."

My mother sits her freshly baked brownies down and takes off the oven mitts, giving me a heartfelt smile.

"I'm so glad that you found a place you like that's within good distance from your school! I hope everything goes well, call me if you make a decision today!" She hugs me goodbye.

Checking my phone, I read through the date and time once more before arriving at the bus stop I get off at. Not too many people were out today since the weather's cold and rainy, which actually made it easier to look for the complex.

I had seen a flyer once about it and then saw the ad online so I thought, why not give it a try?

Unraveling the folded paper once more, I match up the address to the one on the smaller building that stood in front of me across the street. Chipping light tan paint and old black railing didn't make it too pleasing to the eye, but the photos online of how nice it is inside keeps me from judging just yet.

As a highschooler looking for something to just get me by so I can be closer to school, I know I can't be too picky. Looking both ways, I head across the street to go inside. Once back on the sidewalk, I don't look up quick enough to see the person that I'm about to bump into.

Someone walks right into me and almost knocks me over completely. Both a little surprised, we apologized to one another multiple times right away. He picks up his black hat that had fell off while I bend over to get the paper that he had dropped to return to him.

I pause when seeing that it's.... a flyer?

For the apartment complex?

Hold up

Slowly, I look up to see a boy dressed in black jeans, a black shirt and black leather jacket.

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