"Morning." She replied with no raspiness indicating that she had been up for a while now. Just as she opened her mouth to speak again her phone slipped out of her hands and hit her in the face. "Ow." She mumbled rubbing the spot on her forehead. I had to refrain from laughing, biting my lip to stop the smirk trying to force it's way onto my lips.

"What time is your first class of the day?" I asked, attempting to distract myself.

She paused to think. "I have engineering at half nine."

"Lucky." I whined. "I have music at nine." It may only be a half hour time difference but when you feel dead on your feet half an hour could be like half a century.

"Better start getting ready wouldn't want to be late would you?" She teased. I quickly ate my breakfast before going and taking a shower. I walked back out of the bathroom instantly regretting it once I saw McKenzie getting ready. She was just pulling on some sweats with engineering written up the side of one leg and was about to put on a t-shirt that also had engineering written on the back as well as her last name. She really just wasn't bothered about me seeing her half naked. I'm not going to complain thought, she had the most perfect body I've ever seen. She started packing some clothes into her backpack and I was taking a wild guess that it was her normal uniform. "Why the hell does a college that specializes in engineering have a uniform? You would think they had more sense." I groaned as I buttoned up my shirt.

"I know." She agreed. "It seems as though they're running it more as a school than a college. I have three different uniforms as well which is kinda annoying." I pulled on my pants before turning round to face her. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and grinned at me trying to put my tie on. "Help?" I sighed. She took the tie from my hands looping it around the back of my neck and using it to pull me closer towards her. My breath caught in my throat at the sudden close proximity of our bodies and I got the sudden overwhelming urge to destroy the small gap between us. It took her all of thirty seconds to tie it meaning she pulled away from me a lot quicker than I would have liked. "You're gunna have to learn how to tie it yourself you know." She smiled as she went back to getting ready.

"I know." I sighed. "See you later." I shouted running out of the door realizing I was going to be late. I ran into the music department and found the room that I was scheduled to be in. I burst through the door and all eyes in the room turned to look at me. I felt like the new kid once I figured that I was still five minutes early and more than likely in the wrong room. I apologized to the teacher before heading next door to the room I was actually meant to be in. I found a seat in the back corner and waited for the lesson to begin.

Just before the lesson was due to begin in walked my roommate Chelsea. I shrunk down into my chair but it was no use as she spotted me and walked over to take the empty seat next to me. "I'm sorry." She said confusing me as she had nothing to be sorry for. Nothing that I could remember anyway.

"What for?" I asked sitting up straight in my chair. There was no point in trying to hide from her now.

"Just for the way me and McKenzie were acting. It's not fair that your going to be caught in the middle of it all." She said placing her hand on my knee making me feel rather uncomfortable with the situation.

"What's going on between you two anyway?" I asked picking her hand up and moving it.

"Long story." She said emotionless. She wasn't impressed that I had moved her hand off of me. I was going to question her further but I could see I wasn't going to get anywhere with either of them. They had quite clearly made their minds up that they weren't going to tell me. I pulled out my notebook and started doodling while the teacher started the class by introducing herself. The first lessons are always boring so I wasn't missing much.

Luke Hemmings - RoommatesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt