29. Requiem

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When they materialized, Skyla had no idea where she was. It was dark. That much she knew. Tears were streaming down her face. She wiped them away with one hand and held her other hand over her heart.

"Are you okay?" Michael asked.

Skyla could barely breathe. The pain was excruciating. "Where are we?"

"We're in my back yard," he answered. "You didn't answer my question."

"I'm dying, Michael, and my heart feels like it's being ripped out."

"I meant emotionally," he said quietly.

"I'm fine. I said my goodbyes," Skyla responded. Suddenly she burst into tears. "I'm such a bad liar!"

Michael immediately embraced her, his arms firm and loving. He would have given anything in the world to be able to protect her from this. "It's going to be okay."

Skyla screamed out in agony as another shot of pain went through her heart. Michael winced. He hated to see her like this. All he could do now is be there for her. "I'm right here. I'm going to be with you through the whole thing."

Skyla managed to smile for a few seconds before another shot of pain surged through her. "You said we were in your back yard. What did you mean?"

Michael smiled at her. "I know you can't see it, but this is where the house I grew up in used to be. They tore it down a few years ago."

Skyla started to breathe heavier. "Michael, I wanted to thank you for taking care of me and my family and my friends."

"You don't have to thank me at all. I was glad to do it. I love you, Skyla."

"I love you too. You made it easier to say goodbye," she admitted.

Her breaths were becoming shorter and shorter as time passed. The pain in her heart intensified. Skyla knew this was it. Death was about to knock on her door and she had no choice but to open it and let it in. Michael could feel the pain getting stronger in his own heart. The bond they now shared allowed him to. The only difference was he could ignore it if he wanted to. It was just a feeling. Skyla was experiencing it for real.

Tears started to flow from Michael's eyes. "I wish I could take your pain away. I wish it didn't have to be like this."

"Me too," Skyla agreed. She gasped. The pain was more than she could bear now. Tears flowed down her cheeks. "I can feel it. This is it." Her voice cracked when she said it.

Michael wiped the tears off her face. Skyla suddenly drew in a sharp breath. Her knees hit the ground. The grass was cold beneath her. Michael got down on his knees beside her. He gathered Skyla up into his arms and held her there.

"I know this is going to sound horrible when I say it," Michael said, "but don't try to hold on Skyla. I know it's natural to want to prolong death as long as possible, but the longer you try to hold on, the more painful it's going to be. It's okay to let go. I'll be there to meet you on the other side."

Skyla could feel warm tears flowing down her cheeks again. "You promise?" she whimpered.

"With all my heart and soul," Michael promised. "I'll be waiting for you when you open your eyes again."

Skyla had been fighting so hard against death. She didn't feel ready to go. She knew she had to though, and Michael's words had convinced her of it all over again. Michael bent down and kissed Skyla's lips. He knew right away she was almost gone. Her skin was cold and he felt her quiver in his arms. He kept kissing her until he felt her body go limp. Michael stopped and pulled away. Skyla's eyes closed instantly. Her body instinctively drew another sharp breath. Michael remembered the sound. It was the same sound he'd made when he felt his life being taken from him all those years ago. A single tear trickled down his cheek. Skyla was dead.

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