13. Confirmation

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It seemed like he'd been there a thousand times, even though this only made twice. He beamed right in the middle of the emergency room, only a small child as a witness. She tugged frantically at her mother's arm to disclose what she just saw, but her mother was busy with her nose in a magazine. Michael was grateful for the neglect.

"I need a Dr. Johnson and fast!" Michael yelled. His voice was urgent and loud.

The nurse at the desk jumped at his sudden outburst. She got up out of her chair hurriedly and burst through the Emergency Room doors.

"It's her heart again," he told her. "Dr. Johnson is the one who treated her."

Another nurse joined them in the doorway. It was the one who had taken care of her before: Dawn. She recognized the young man and woman right away. "That's Skyla Jacobs," she said. "They were in about a week or so ago." She ran back inside for a second. "I need a gurney!" she yelled.

Two orderlies rushed one out to her and Michael gently laid Skyla down on it. Skyla grabbed his arm.

"Please don't leave me alone, Michael," she begged.

He looked at Dawn, pleading with his eyes.

"Come back with her," Dawn told him, "but if the doctor asks you to leave please don't give him any trouble."

"I won't," Michael promised. "Skyla, I have to call your mom and let her know first, okay? Then I'll be right in."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too."

The orderlies wheeled her away and Michael headed straight for the phone. He dialed the number Adam had dialed for him before. The phone rang five or six times before someone picked up.


"Is this Pauline?"

"Yes, it is. I was just getting ready to leave to go get my daughters from school. Is there any way you could call back later?"

Michael looked at the clock. School was getting ready to let out. With all of the excitement, he had completely lost track of time. "I'm afraid not, Ms. Jacobs," he said. "This is Michael. Skyla has been admitted into the hospital again. It's her heart." He heard her gasp on the other end.

"I'll be there right away," she said. "Michael, will you get Isabella for me?"

How was he supposed to get her? "I'm sorry, I don't have a car right now," he lied.

"Well, will you stay with Skyla until I can get there?"

"Of course I will," he promised. "I won't let her out of my sight."

"Thank you so much," she said gratefully. Then she gave him a cell phone number. "Call this number if there are any problems before I get there."

Michael told her would and hung up. He felt guilty about not going and getting Isabella, but he couldn't leave Skyla's side. He told her he would be with her and it's what he meant. He hung up the phone and headed back toward the doors. He tried to open them, but they were locked. He laid his hand on the door handle and the lock on the other side twisted by itself. Michael listened intently until he heard it click. Then he opened the door and went inside. It took him a minute, but he spotted Skyla and went over to her. She had her eyes shut.

"Is she okay?" he asked.

The nurse attending to her looked at him strangely. "How did you get back here? Those doors are locked."

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