3. Diagnosis

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The teacher rushed over to Michael and Skyla, sheer terror on her face. She must have heard him shouting.

"What happened?"

Michael was panicking. Something wasn't right. He could feel it. Was there something Adam forgot to tell him? "I don't know. She grabbed her heart and collapsed. We have to get her some help."

"Back up!" the teacher yelled. "Give them some air!"

Students started slowly backing away, but they were still fixated on the scene before them. Most of them had probably never seen anyone pass out before.

"Is someone calling 9-1-1?" Michael asked impatiently. But everyone seemed too scared to respond. He waited about two seconds for an answer, then he scooped Skyla up off the floor and stood.

"Where are you taking her?" the teacher demanded. She had her phone out, ready to dial.

"To the hospital," he responded. Then he turned and hurried down the stairs. The students made a path for him. No one spoke a word as he walked out of the gym doors.

Not one of the students moved for several minutes. They were all too stunned.

Michael stood in the hallway at war with himself over what to do. Should he take her to Adam? Or should he take her to the hospital? A small voice inside told him she needed to try to be treated on Earth first before he whisked her into the clouds. He knew it would only be for emergencies and nothing more. This might just be something simple.

Michael studied her face. Skyla seemed eerily peaceful to him. He took a deep breath and checked the perimeter around him to make sure he was alone. Then he closed his eyes and he and Skyla disappeared in a streak of bright white light. The two of them reappeared just outside the emergency room doors of Paint General Hospital. Michael burst through the doors, Skyla still in his arms, like a madman.

"I need a doctor!" he yelled.

One of the nurses responded immediately. "Sir, calm down. What's wrong with her?"

"She grabbed her heart in gym class. We were running and she said she was having chest pains," Michael explained quickly. "Then she collapsed."

"I need a gurney!" the nurse yelled. "Are you her family?"

Michael shook his head. "She doesn't know her family. She's adopted." It was something he had told her earlier in the day. "I'm her friend. Her friends are her family."

"My name is Dawn," she told him as an orderly burst through the doors of the ER with that gurney she'd called for. "I'll take good care of her."

Michael reluctantly lay her down on the bed and backed away. He didn't want to trust them with her. He felt a pang of guilt surge through him. It was only Skyla's second day as his client and she was already hurt. The nurses worked vigorously to get Skyla's IV in her arm and then they whisked her away. Michael was going to follow, but the nurse who had introduced herself as Dawn blocked his path.

"You can't go back there," she said firmly. "At least not until the doctor has seen her."

"When will that be?" Michael snapped. He was surprised at himself. He hadn't felt like this in over fifty years.

"As soon as possible," she answered softly. She could see he was distressed. "I'll let you know."

"Okay," Michael agreed. He watched the doors close in front of him. He had never felt more helpless than he did right now.

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