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After telling her mother goodbye, Isabella went straight up to her room and slammed the door. She took out a notepad and jotted down what she could remember from Michael's conversation. She had a pretty good memory most of the time, so she was sure she'd gotten everything. Michael wasn't who he claimed to be obviously. And what had the mirror meant when it said that Skyla was in danger? There were so many things Isabella still needed to know. But the main thing was making sure Skyla knew Michael wasn't a perfect little angel. She listened for her to come up the stairs. It was only a short minute before she heard her open her bedroom door. Isabella rushed over to her door and flung it open.


Skyla turned around to face her, slightly startled. "What?"

Isabella bit her lip apprehensively. How did you tell your sister the man she was in love with talked to mirrors that talked back? "Um, I have something I need to tell you. It's about Michael."

Skyla's attention was peaked. "What about him?"

"You're not going to like it," Isabella began. "Remember when I went to check on him earlier when he was in the bathroom?"

Skyla nodded.

"Well, the door was cracked and-"

Skyla's eyes widened. "You didn't see him naked or anything did you?"

Isabella made a disgusted face. "No!"

"Good," she said with a laugh. "I'm sorry, go ahead."

Isabella continued, "I saw him talking to someone."

A puzzled expression was now on Skyla's face. "In our bathroom?"

She nodded. "He was talking to someone in a compact mirror." Skyla stared at her blankly. "I know it's hard to believe," Isabella told her, "but you have to. I witnessed it myself. He was talking to a guy named Adam in the mirror. Adam said you were in danger."

"You're serious about this?" Skyla asked skeptically.

"Yes," her sister insisted. "I wouldn't lie to you about something like this. He told Michael it was his job to finish his mission."

"Mission? What mission?"

Isabella shrugged. "I have no idea. Michael was crying though. It must not be a good thing," she reasoned. "Michael told him he would try, whatever he meant."

"Isabella, are you playing with me?" Skyla asked seriously. "Tell me the truth right now."

"I'm not lying," she promised. "I told you I wouldn't lie about something like this."

Skyla took a deep breath. What Isabella was trying to get across to her sounded insane. Mirrors can't talk and people don't usually talk to mirrors unless they're looking to plead insanity. But Skyla knew Isabella wouldn't lie to her about Michael because she knew she cared for him so much.

"The guy in the mirror is who he was shouting at," Isabella stated. "He was shouting at Adam."


"I don't know. He didn't tell him about something. It was all I got."

Skyla frowned. She hugged Isabella. "Thanks for telling me about it, sis. I'm going to get my homework done and lie down for a while. Don't worry. I'll just ask him about it tomorrow."

Fear crossed Isabella's face. "Please don't tell him I'm the one who overheard him," she pleaded. "I don't want him to think I was spying on him."

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