14. Ways of Coping

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September 17th

The morning came quickly as it always did when Skyla didn't get much sleep. She kept dreaming of how she was going to die every time she closed her eyes. She drowned in one dream and her heart burst clean out of her chest in the next.

She yawned loudly. When she noticed she wasn't alone, she covered her mouth. She saw Michael in the chair beside her bed out of the corner of her eye. She'd forgotten Michael had stayed with her all night. She had slept on her right side where she wouldn't be able to see him. Skyla didn't want him to think she was staring at him, even though she was.

She smiled. He looked so peaceful lying there. Skyla wanted to be mad at Michael for what he'd revealed to her last night, but she knew it wasn't up to him. Her fate was up to a much higher power.

Michael stirred a little, then his light blue eyes fluttered open. "Good morning," he greeted her.

"Morning," she said. "Michael, I'm sorry I got upset last night."

Michael frowned. "I don't know why you're apologizing, Skyla. I understand. It would have made me angry too."

"I just don't understand why I was chosen," Skyla explained. "I feel like I'm being punished."

Michael looked at her sadly. "I'm sorry this had to happen to you."

"But then I wouldn't have met you, would I?"

He shook his head. "Nope."

"Then it's worth it," she declared.

Michael's eyes widened. "Are you serious? You would die for me?"

"If I had to," Skyla declared.

He didn't know what to say. Should he be worried or grateful? While he was thinking about it, she blindsided him with a new question.

"Would you die for me?" she asked. Skyla didn't expect anybody to die for her, she was just more or less curious as to what he would say.

"Every day if it's what it took to keep you safe," Michael answered honestly.

Skyla smiled. He was so sweet. It was no wonder he was an angel.

Michael got up. "Well, I'm going to go get you out of here," he announced. He walked over to the door. "I'll be right back." He opened it and closed it softly behind him.

After she made sure he was gone, Skyla finally let it go. Tears had been locked in her eyes. She couldn't believe he'd said that to her. How often did you come to know someone who would die for you, someone so selfless? It was beyond words how his statement had made her feel. She dried her face off with the blanket on the bed. She didn't want Michael to know she'd been crying. She was becoming a big cry baby lately.

The door to her room opened suddenly and she nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Get ready," Michael said as he came into Skyla's view. "We're blowing this popsicle stand."

She laughed out loud. "You have to wait outside so I can get ready."

Michael shut his eyes tight. "Go ahead and change. I won't look."

Normally, Skyla would have laughed in his face. She would have even shown him the door had it been anyone else but Michael. But she trusted him with her life and knew he wouldn't peek. She hurriedly changed out of the hospital gown and into the clothes she'd been wearing the day before. She couldn't wait to get home and get a shower. Her hair wasn't brushed or anything. It looked like a rat's nest. Luckily, she always carried a brush in her purse. She got it out and brushed her hair. She was lucky Kaley had brought it to her last night.

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