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Michael could feel their eyes on him as he stood patiently in line to get his food tray. He didn't particularly have to eat, he just wanted to make sure he fit in with the rest of the students. Being inconspicuous was the key. He felt like a spy in one of those old pictures he had gone to see in his youth, dangerous and daring. His eyes wandered to the table closest to the door. A small group of girls sat there giggling and huddled together as if they were keepers of a dangerous secret. He smiled to himself. Girls certainly were different nowadays. They were no longer afraid to openly stare at him like hungry predators about to attack.

He turned his attention back to the line. From what he could see, the lunchroom was serving hamburgers on the first day. He couldn't remember the last time he had one. He was going to enjoy eating it. Michael moved up one person further and he couldn't help but notice how packed the line was. He sighed. He could tell it was going to be a long first day. He started thinking about Heaven and how easy and peaceful everything was in the clouds when he noticed a bright light out of the corner of his eye. His heart skipped a beat.

Michael turned his head toward the light. It was the table closest to the door, the one he'd locked his eyes on just a few minutes before. He smiled when he saw her. She was beautiful. Her hair was shoulder length and brown and her eyes were dark brown. Even from a distance, they sparkled like a shiny new penny. Her smile could have illuminated the whole room if her aura hadn't already covered the job. Michael forgot about the hamburger. He had found his assignment and he felt compelled to introduce himself to her. He left the line and dropped his tray off to the side. The walk over felt like it took hours. After all, girls made him nervous anyway. That part of him hadn't changed. He kept his eye on the prize though. Michael flashed a smile toward her as he came to a stop at the edge of the table.

Skyla looked up at him in wonder. She couldn't believe the boy she had been unable to keep her eyes off of was standing right in front of her.

"I couldn't help but notice you from across the room," Michael said, his eyes on no one but Skyla. "Can I have your name?"

Kaley, Kaitlyn, and Isabella all looked at each other strangely. Boys in this century weren't nearly this polite. Their hearts fluttered. It was almost like a dream.

She was visibly flattered by his interest in her. "My name is Skyla," she said slowly. "It's nice to meet you."

He smiled radiantly. "My name is Michael. I'm new here."

Kaley chuckled. "I think she would have noticed if she'd seen you before, hot stuff."

Skyla slapped her best friend playfully. "Don't mind her," she said turning her attention back to Michael. "She was raised in a barn."

Michael laughed. It sounded like a soft, sweet melody. For the two of them to have just met, they began to talk like they had known each other for ages. Isabella invited him to sit down and spend the rest of the lunch period with them. He accepted without hesitation. After all, to wedge himself into her life, he would have to get to know her. They talked about everything from favorite television shows to music.

"I like the old stuff," Michael told her. "The classics."

Skyla's eyes widened in surprise. "I do too! I think the older stuff is better than most of the new music now," she gushed.

Isabella rolled her eyes and smiled. She'd never seen her sister as happy as she seemed to be at the moment. Her best friend Kaitlyn silently pretended to gag herself with two fingers. They both laughed out loud. Skyla just looked at them and smiled wryly.

"What's your favorite old song?" Michael asked, curious as to what her answer would be.

Skyla thought for a moment. "That's a tough one," she revealed. "There are so many to choose from."

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