Chapter 03: Why I call you my only friend

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Izuna was in such a hurry to enter his friend's office to get the meeting notes that were supposed to wait for him on the other's desk like always, that he almost slammed face first into the surprisingly locked door.

Wait. What?

He slowly blinked and tried to open the door again. Still locked.

Hesitantly the Uchiha heir took a step back, looked around the corridor and stilled. This definitely was Tobirama's office. So what the hell was going on?

He stared at the door, perplexed.

This door hadn't been locked during, no, not even long past working hours since it had been allotted to the younger Senju unless said man was on a mission. Which he knew the white haired man wasn't for sure because they had agreed on meeting up in the evening and Tobirama hadn't cancelled their plans. However the albino would rather break a bone than a promise.


No possible impromptu emergency mission either since he just passed by the Hokage and his wife casually eating out, in high spirits, too, on his way over.

The silly tree guy might've been able to act oblivious and carefree when his last sibling was out on a dangerous mission but Izuna knew that Mito-hime wouldn't be able not to worry about her favourite brother-in-law. Sure, she was good at keeping a calm façade but she wouldn't be so merry if Tobi had been in any danger.

The lab was out of question as well. Because two days ago the albino had poutingly mentioned to him that said Uzumaki princess had sealed it with brand new fūinjutsu from Uzushio after his last accident three days ago, in order to give his bruised side time to heal because she knew that he would try to go back to tinker on his new version of some kind of exploding tag otherwise.

He grimaced.

So, to repeat himself, what the hell?

In spite of himself Izuna slowly felt dread settle in his stomach.

Not because of his very important and missing notes for the meeting that was starting in less than an hour but because something must've happened. This was not normal behaviour for his workaholic friend.

Ditching work was Hashirama's field of expertise, not Tobirama's.

This was highly worrisome. So what to do?

He hummed, increasingly concerned.

Maybe his older brother hadn't yet left his office for his early end of work today and knew something.

Oh! Or he just could ask him to try to sense the younger Senju's chakra. Good plan!

Madara wasn't as good as the man himself but he still was an amazing sensor, only the second best Konoha had.

He immediately turned on his heels and almost sprinted across the corridor to his sibling's office, fueled by his rising worry.

So it was no wonder when he tore open his older brother's door and stormed inside without hesitation.

"Nii-san, thank kami, you're still here! Have you seen-" he abruptly stopped himself mid step, utterly confused, blinking owlishly into the room.

Madara lifted his head from the documents he was writing on, visibly startled.

"What's wrong?" the older Uchiha immediately demanded concerned, putting his brush down, probably ready to react accordingly to whatever bad thing needed to be dealt with.

Izuna first shot his brother a highly questioning stare and then gave the bench in his peripheral and it's unusual occupant a perplexed look.


Tell Me That you Feel It Too [Naruto]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora