Chapter 07: In the dark

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Stifling an annoyed grunt, Madara finished messily tying up the huge and wild mass of his unruly hair so he could start cleaning up without getting it wet. The older Uchiha definitely wasn't in the mood to invest the extra time needed to wash that much hair today and it didn't seem too likely that his younger brother would help him sort the mess out either.

He chanced a glance from the corners of his eyes at said brother who had already sat down and currently was in the process of pouring hot water over himself.

Well, at least Izuna didn't seem horribly upset or furious or they would've already butted heads what with both their tempers, he guessed. Though that didn't mean he could reliably rule out that his sibling wasn't at least moderately upset or disappointed at him because the younger man had started to give him the silent treatment since back when Madara had come back with the refreshments and food. They hadn't even exchanged one word up until now. Which could mean two things: either he really was just that tired or he was purposely ignoring him.

Honestly, he wouldn't be too surprised if it was the latter. What with him almost ending the other's friend's life. He definitely hadn't done it on purpose but with how the albino and he fought daily it probably wouldn't be too outrageous to think he had.

Alright, he just had to figure out which it was.

Though if you asked him, it wasn't his fault in the first place that the asshole Senju was trying his damn hardest to sabotage the Uchiha Clan Head in his attempt to repay him.

Seriously. Almost choking to death? Could the icicle get any more creative?

At first Madara had thought the guy was relapsing into one of his weird, subdued coughing fits he had been having on and off over the day, but when he had started to wheeze like his life depended on it, fortunately the Uchiha had clued in on the Senju choking. And when he had rushed over, leaving Hikaku's side, the younger man had some sick trickle out of his mouth. Of course he had tried to get the vomit that had tried to end the other out of the wrong pipe through back blows and chest thrusts, like one was supposed to do.

Obviously he wasn't a clueless idiot, seeing how he regularly babysat Kagami and had looked after Izuna and his other younger siblings when they had been little. After all, it was a well known fact that children loved to stick things into their mouths and choke, especially those lively, little rascals, so he had been more than prepared to calmly free the other's airways.

Only when nothing seemed to work because apparently the asshole had been in the midst of still throwing up and choking, all the while turning a shade that had been odd even for his unusual complexion, did Madara start to slightly panic and had sent Hikaku for their healer.

Izuna had asked him for one thing only: Keep an eye on Tobirama.

And Madara had failed him even in that single regard because he had been talking to Hikaku and had kept on ignoring the weird little noises the pale asshole had been making until it had almost been too late. Just because he hadn't wanted to embarrass himself in front of their cousin by acting concerned over a guy he couldn't stand. No way would he tarnish his own fierce reputation like that.

His own pride probably would be the end of him someday, huh? Quickly he dismissed that particular thought, though.

Speaking of death, what an undignified death that would've been for a shinobi of their caliber to die choking on their own vomit in bed. They were supposed to die honourable deaths on the battle field against strong opponents, not choke on vomit. Even the pale bastard had earned himself that right.

He grimaced.

Back to his possible problem at hand.

"Can you hand me the soap?" Madara inquired toneless to test the waters.

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