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"Hokage sama!" A jounin burst inside the office of Hiruzen Sarutobi who had been looking in his crystal ball. Looking up, he nodded to the anxious jounin.

"I know well what is happening Iruka. Uzumaki kun is missing."

"No!" Cutted Iruka Umino, slamming his two hands to the desk of his superior. "We found him!"


Sarutobi didn't know what to say, what to tell, what to do. The room in which Uzumaki Naruto had been hold captive was in a desatrous state. Four people (one who could be recognisable as one the village councilor)  were dead and bloody on the ground, suspicious sand laying next to their wounds. 

And the boy (who was only twelve) was next to the broken window, shaking like a leaf in his slumber. He seemed utterly terrified by what he was dreaming of.  However,  what starled the most the third hokage was those blue flammes who seemed to be protecting the sun kissed boy.

"What in the name of the fourth happened?" He muttered, flabbergasted.

What could have happened for four adult people to die and some strange flames to appear out of nowhere? And that sand who had nothing to do here as well....

It all seems to be linked to that Uzumaki boy.... Believed Sarutobi as he started stepping closer to the child. Could it be a side effect of having the Kuybi demon inside him? No.... Kushina had nothing like that happen....

Sarutobi had no choice but to take a deci that could change a whole nation. He decided, for further control over the boy, that Uzumaki Naruto should pass the genin test and become part of a team. Then, if ever something happened, it wouldn't be to the council to decide what to do but to him because then, Uzumaki Naruto would be a ninja.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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