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There had always been that inner turmoil that sometimes would give him stomach aches. It was painful but not enough for him to complain to a medic-nin. So he had always been silent about that pain he never understood the origin. And anyways, who would have listened and helped the Konoha demon (besides Sarutobi obviously).

However, that time, the stomach ache was the most painful in every ways. He felt like if all his body was in fire, as if he was dying from the inside. Maybe a genjustu?  Really, the only thing he managed to think of was why was was it  as painful that time?

"Stop being so loud demon!" Screeched a random woman who was passing by the narrow street.

Naruto couldn't hold it anymore.   He fell on the ground, unconscious. But even then did he went on twitching and fliching and screaming.  At a point, his skin even started to turn red as if he was truly being set on fire.

And that had been how a mob of people found him in the street, unconscious and bloody.


So sorry it is so short!
I've just got that idea, tell me what you think of it!
Even if I will, I just want to ask:
Do you want to know what is happening?

Write Your Storyline Baka!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ