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📍July 2018

"Seriously, four years of marriage and still she is not pregnant." My mother in law, Eun Jae said.

"Eun Jae, calm down. Things like that take time." My father in law, Ho Goo said.

"How long does it take? Within a year of us being married, I was already pregnant with our first. I told you she was no good. All she does is spend our son's money." Eun Jae said.

I bit my lip as I got closer to the door to listen to the conversation.

"Mom, Sinteria is not like that. We are just not ready to have a child yet." Jae-Hyun said.

"It's been four years, Jae-hyun, you need an heir and if Sinteria can give you an heir then I think it's time you got a mistress to produce an heir." Eun Jae said.

"Eun Jae!" Ho Goo said, sternly.

"What? It's not like she will care anyways when she's busy spending your money. I will not let this family lose everything we worked for just because you don't have an heir." Eun Jae said.

"I won't cheat on Sinteria, mother." Jae-Hyun said.

I smiled.

"Then divorce her." Eun Jae said.

"Eun Jae, I had enough of you, it's time to leave. Jae-Hyun is a grown man. This matter is between him and his wife. Not us." Ho Goo said.

Eun Jae pouted.

"Do you really want to lose this company to your brother?" Eun Jae asked her husband.

"Han Yeol will never get his hands on the company, Eun Jae, you're being unreasonable and annoying." Ho Goo said as he stood up and buttoned his suit.

I walked away from the door and quickly went upstairs to our bedroom.

Jae-Hyun walked into the bedroom and sighed.

"How much of the conversation did you hear?" He asked.

"Enough to know that if you even agree to what your mother suggested then you might as well file for divorce, Jae-Hyun." I answered as I folded my arms across my chest.

"Sinteria, why haven't we had a child yet?" He asked.

"Jae-Hyun, it's not like we've been really trying to have a child. We're enjoying our lives, if it happens then it happens. If you're going to second guess our marriage because I haven't given you a child in four years then why the hell did you marry me?" I asked.

He frowned.

"I married you because I love you, Sinteria." He answered.

"Then why are you letting your mother out doubts in your head about me? You never really stand up to her." I said.

"Sinteria, you know my mother can be difficult, don't let anything she says get to you." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Difficult, my ass." I said.

"Sinteria." He said.

"I will not tolerate it any longer, Jae-Hyun." I said.

"I'll talk to her, Sinteria." He said.

"Whatever, because in the end you will crave into her demands and do as she says. I swear Jae-Hyun, if you sleep with another woman, I will ruin your life." I said as I got off the bed and went to the bathroom and slammed the door.

"What the hell am I going to do?" He asked himself.

— • — • — • —

📍September 2018

"I'm sorry, Mrs Han, but Mr Han has left his office for the day." The office secretary said on the phone.

I ended the call. Jae-Hyun was supposed to meet me for lunch today and he never showed up to my office so I called his secretary and of course, she didn't tell me much so I had taken off, for the rest of the day, telling everyone not to say a word.

They knew I was up to something, but said nothing.

"Where do you want to go next?" Julius asked.

"Home." I answered.

"He's home, isn't he?" Julius asked.

"I got a text, apparently there's a mystery woman in my house. The second one this month." I replied as I tied up my hair and took off my earrings.

"Do you want me to kick everyone out once we arrive?" He asked, sighing.

"Yes, please." I answered as I took off my heels.

"Your emergency bag is in the trunk and I'll have the Ynessia at the apartment, waiting for you after you're done." He said.

"Perfect." I said.

Julius shook his head then turned onto the street where my house was located.

As I got home, and Julius pressed the button to open up the gates and pulled up in the driveway. One of the security detail looked at me puzzled. I knew they weren't expecting me to be home so soon.

I grinned, as I noticed him pulling out his cell phone. I put down my window and grabbed his phone from him.

"Boy, do not try me." I said, as Julius got out of the car and opened my door for me.

I got out and took off running into the house before anyone else could tip him off. I went straight to the living room.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked as Jae-Hyun stood next to the window.

"New record." Jae-Hyun answered.

I sucked my teeth.

"Why is this bitch in my house, Jae-Hyun?" I asked as I was close to snatching both of them up if he didn't have a good reason for why this girl was here.

"This is the latest girl, that my mother sent over to try and seduce me." Jae-Hyun replied as the girl quickly got on her knees and started begging.

"Please, I'm sorry, his mother said he was divorced. We didn't do anything." She begged.

"So you didn't think to do research on him? You know what I think, you didn't care if he was divorced or not. You just saw dollar signs." I said as Jae-Hyun chuckled.

The girl shook her head no.

" I'm sorry please I really didn't know." She said.

"Sinteria, stop scaring the girl and let her leave." Jae-Hyun said.

I glared at him.

"No, I think I should make an example out of her." I said.

The girl quickly covered her face.

"No, please I just got my nose done." She said.

I laughed.

"Leave." I said as I shook my head, walking away.

The girl quickly grabbed her purse and glared at Jae-Hyun before running to the front door.

Jae-Hyun followed me.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Let's just divorce, Jae-Hyun." I answered as I took off my wedding ring and placed on the table.

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