4 - A Hardworking Player

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      Mondays were a day off for the team, although sometimes, she'd find players practicing even then and she had to forcefully drag them away from the gym and scold them about the demerits of overworking. It was also a day she could relax and do something for herself. Like baking. She rarely baked, but when she just craved the taste of cake and going to the bakery felt like a pain, she made things herself.

      Her ingredients were all set in front of her in the kitchen and she was ready to start. But even as she went to grab the bowl, the doorbell rang multiple times, loud and clear and persistent.

      There was only one person who rang it like that.

      "Oikawa Tooru, what the hell are you doing here?" As soon as Misaki opened the door, she glared at the boy in question, who by the way, was dressed in volleyball gear, holding his bag and a volleyball. "Today is a day of rest. Rest. You know what that means, don't you?"

      "Misa-chan, but I'm so bored stuck at home! And I can't sit still when the Inter-High is so close," Oikawa sent her a pleading look. "I need to improve my serves so that I can beat that annoying Ushiwaka. And Iwa-chan refused to practice with me, so please practice with me."

      "Well, that's because he's smart," Misaki answered, crossing her arms. "And he knows that he shouldn't overwork himself. And besides, let's not forget what happened the last time you overdid things."

      Oikawa let out a whine. "Misa-chan, don't be so mean to me."

      Misaki let out a sigh. Why was it that her day off always ended up with her spending time with Oikawa? Either she would be playing volleyball with him or end up watching movies with him and Iwaizumi. She really needed time for herself, but nope, Oikawa would never understand that.

      "Okay," She finally said. "I'll make you a deal. You help me out in the kitchen and we can go to the park where you can throw your tosses. And I'll let you practice extra tomorrow because I'm nice like that."

      "Thank you, Misa-chan! You're the best," Oikawa said in excitement. Suddenly, Misaki found herself being pulled into his arms. Since she was shorter than him, her face ended up being pressed against his torso, a lemon-y smell filling her nose (probably the soap he used).

      She smacked his arm harshly. "Let go of me, you idiot! You need to stop hugging me like this!"

      "But I thought you liked my hugs."

      'I do like your hugs, but I will never say it to your face.' "Not if you surprise me like that. Next time you do that, I'll hit you so hard that you'll not think about volleyball for a week."

      "Meanie," Oikawa said as he let go of her. "You and Iwa-chan are always bullying me."

      "Well, you kinda deserve it," Misaki said, patting his shoulder with a mocking smile. "Now step inside, loser."

      Oikawa made a face at the remark, but entered the house nonetheless. He removed his shoes and kept his bag near the stairs along with the ball. He followed her down the familiar hallway, passing the living room and the master bedroom of the house. "Misa-chan, where are your parents? I wanna say hi to them."

      "Dad has a case today and mom is working on some big project so they aren't home yet," Misaki replied. There was no way she was telling him that her parents were not home for the next two days and she had the whole house to herself. Last time Oikawa had learnt she was home alone, her house had become an impromptu destination for a movie night with the current Seijoh third years on the team.

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