- CHAPTER 30 -

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"How about this?" Hamish asked, holding up a bag of tube-y pasta.

I shook my head, scrunching up my nose in disgust.

"Bolognese tastes much better with butterfly pasta."

"Farfalle it is." Hamish chuckled, swapping the packs of pasta. "Now, we've got Bobby's moving party this evening - do you want to choose a present and I'll pick a nice card?"

"Sounds good." I chirped, spinning on my heel and heading towards the toy section.

What immediately caught my attention was a mini table football set and I knew at once that this would be the perfect addition to his bedroom at Drew and Jason's. I ran back to find Hamish in the pasta aisle but he wasn't there anymore. I frowned, thinking that he'd probably just gone to look at the cards. It didn't take me long to find them stacked against the wall opposite the flower stand...but no Hamish. I craned my neck, checking to see that he wasn't just standing behind anyone but my brother's really tall and there only seemed to be smaller women around.

"Are you alright, Sweetie?" A kind voice came from behind me.

I spun around to see a really pretty lady smiling down at me 

"I'm just looking for my  brother." I said nervously

The lady crouched down and reached for my hand, taking it in hers. Her nails were neatly done with a shade of baby pink, which matched her lipstick. Her hands were so soft against mine. If I hadn't have known better, I would have called her a princess.

"Well, what is he called?" She asked.


"Hamish, huh?" She said as an unfamiliar emotion flashed on her face. "Why don't you follow me and I'll help you look for him?" She suggested.

I drew my hand away from her and shuffled a few feet back.

"Stranger danger." I mumbled and went to turn around when she reached out for my shoulder to stop me leaving.

Hamish had always taught me to attract attention by making lots of noise when I'm in trouble so that people can come and help me.

The lady's eyes widened in shock and she toppled over from her crouched position as I let out the most piercing scream possible. I then legged it past all the stunned customers and went around the corner, slamming into Hamish's legs. He almost ran straight over me but, realising it was his little sister, quickly picked me up off the floor and dusted me off.

"What's wrong, I heard you scream?!" My brother rambled, checking me over for injuries.

"There was a strange lady." I muttered, very embarrassed that all the shoppers were now giving me judgemental side glances as they moved around us. I bet they thought I was just a child gone wild.

Hamish's head snapped up.

"Where?" He demanded.

I pointed around the corner and he took my hand firmly in his, marching towards the scene of the crime.

The lady was still on the floor, quite dazed from what had happened. Her shopping basket had tipped over and the contents were scattered around.

I was silently pleased with myself but couldn't understand why Hamish had just dropped my hand and rushed forward to help her off the floor. For some reason they seemed to know each other and my eyes widened when I realised that they must have been friends. I figured that she had guessed that I was his sister when I had said his name.

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