With the drive ahead, I allowed myself to think about him.

He cheated on Veronica for me; He is cheating on Veronica for the blonde Barbie.

I guess I was never but a pawn to him; another girl that would follow his every whim.

He was wrong.

 I don’t follow anyone, I make my own rules.

Since the incident, I hadn’t let anyone in, bedies for him.

I guess that shows what happens when you allow something so tainted into your already broken heart.

It only shatters on the floor harder the next time you fall.

The pieces are merely specs now.

And that’s how they will stay forever.

Buggle has returned us home.

I step out of the beast, and carry all of my new belongings to my room.

Before I can even make it into my abode, I have a never ending presence standing in my way.

“Hello, I don’t think I got to formally introduce myself, I'm Kirstin, Tai’s twin sister.”

My jaw practically hits the ground.

He wasn’t cheating on Veronica.

It’s just his twin sister.

“Hi.” This was all I managed to get out of my system after the shell shocker.

“I’m sorry to intrude, but you seem to have left in a rush, and Tai kind of explained his situation. You see, Veronica is Tai’s ex girlfriend, one he obviously does not like anymore. She just clings onto him, and whenever a girl goes anywhere near him, she makes people think that they are together. But there’s only one problem; he doesn’t want to be seen with her anymore.”

“How come? He seems to enjoy her company.” I ask

“Because he’s found someone else’s company more appealing to say the least.” She says with that secretive smile.

“Who?” Just as I ask this, there is a cough behind me, I turn around and there he is in all his glory.


“Thank you sis, I think you can stop talking now, if that's even possible for you.” He says this with a smile, but I can see that he is dead serious.

“I guess you can take over from here now cant you.” I didn’t know what she was talking about, but as she patted Tai on the shoulder, I could tell she was sending her own sort of message, one that I did not understand.

“It was nice to finally meet you Willow, I’m sure I will be seeing you sooner rather than later.” With that, she turned on her heels, and walked away, only leaving us with her flowery perfume and a chuckle or two.

Tai turned back to me with a smile; a very tired smile.

“Is what your sister said true?” I had to ask it. If I didn’t my entire being would not be able to continue until I knew the answer.

“Yes. Veronica and I dated two years ago, and have been good friends ever since. When a girl was pursuing me, Veronica and I would act as if we were going out, so then the other girl would get the message. For me it was all acting, but for Veronica is was if she thought it was our ‘type’ of relationship. When you stepped off the bus, she must have thought you were just another follower, until I ran after you.” When he started to say this, he looked sick, like what he was about to say made him feel absolutely vile.

Hiding my heart behind my soccer ballWhere stories live. Discover now