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placed in by Therese

"you can't be serious Newt!" Thomas groaned. Newt continued on ignoring him. "Why're you mad?" Thomas asked. Newt just kept gardening and watching over the other gladers. Every chance Tommy had, he would try to talk to Newt but Newt kept up the silent treatment only infuriating Tommy more.

Newt was only mad because Tommy and him have had a rough couple of days. They argue about the stupidest things until Tommy took it too far and threatened to leave Newt. He knew he wouldn't bring himself to break the blondes heart. Newt was everything to Tommy, he couldn't bare the thought of them being separated. Though it seemed as though Newt took the threat seriously and decided not to speak to the brunette to teach him a lesson.

Later that day the two headed off to their hut to sleep. But Tommy knew Newts routine and saw Newt headed for the showers to get cleaned and then sleep in peace. Tommy had a great idea and went to the showers. He stripped from his clothes and walked past Newt. Newts eyes widened but he didn't budge. Tommy chuckled lightly and then went to the stall next to his boyfriends. He imagined Newts hands touching him and he groaned. Newt heard but ignored it. He knew Tommy was attempting to get his attention. He imagined Newts hand on his aching cock and he moaned and pumped himself. Newt felt himself grow but tried his best to ignore it to spare himself some pride.
(part 2?)

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