Chloe - Minho -

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Rating: G


You were up at the same time you always were, stretching beside Minho and the other runners to prepare for the days run. You double checked that you had your bag on you just as the maze doors began to slide open. Today you were with Minho and you had to hope with all your might that you'd do your job correctly without risking his life. 




You were off with Minho at your side, you felt the rush of adrenaline course through your body and you felt like your heart was going to pump out of your chest. 

You mentally traced the pathway that you and Minho were running, having two runners on the trail helped assure the trail would be accurately recalled later in the map room. You looked up at the sunny sky, the only way you were able to truly get a sense of what time it was. 


You had been running all day, limited short breaks and you were exhausted but you continued to push through it. You were rounding the corner, ready to exit the maze for the day. That is until the walls began to close. "Oh my god, oh god!" You shouted as you sped up with Minho hot on your heels. The other Gladers were outside the wall shouting at you to run faster. The opening was getting narrower by the second and everyone was yelling in distress. "SHUCK WE ARENT GOING TO MAKE IT CHLOE!" Minho shouted as he tried to speed up. The hours of running limited your capabilities to run much faster though. "COME ON!!" Shouted Newt and Thomas. 

Mere strides away from the door, the wall slammed shut, making you crash into the wall with power. "NO NO NO!!" You cried as you pounded on the stone walls. Minho stayed still, almost too in shock to react. Tears ran down your cheeks and you heard the other gladers yell and protest in a frenzy. "NO WE HAVE TO CLIMB OUT I CANT- NO- SHUCK!" you shouted and continued to cry out in terror. Finally Minho heard the gears of the grievers as they neared the loud pleas you cried out. "Stop" he said as he tried to think but you were to distraught to stop. "Chl- Please- sto- STOP IT CHLOE! SHUT UP WE NEED TO STAY ALIVE!" he shouted, making you quickly stop. 

Minho never yelled at you and you wanted to cry out more cause you were convinced he was in danger cause you requested an extra break earlier. "I'm so sorry" You started and felt fear trickle through your body as you saw a griever move along the floors of the maze. "Chloe, come on, we have to hide" he said and grabbed your hand as he ran to a bush of overgrown vines where he shoved you in and followed. "Shh." Minho said and held his hand over your mouth as he held you against his chest. 

In that moment a griever began to make its way to the other side of the wall right in front of you. 

The griever moved out and began to near you guys, making your heart race and your tears to freely escape your eyes. "Grab the vines, climb up, pull yourself up the vines" he whispered in your ear making you quickly nod and grab a vine above your head. You thanked the leaders for making you tough up on push ups to build your upper strength because it was easier to pull yourself up than you really expected it to be. Minho pushed you up further as he grabbed your legs and heaved you up. The rustling in the plants got the grievers attention and minho quickly followed his own advice to avoid the grievers attack.


You had been hanging for hours, staying as silent as possible and you were beginning to feel your arms were going to give out any second. "Shuck, Min- I can't-" you started but Minho nodded with a disappointed face. "I know, I can't either.." he mustered out. He sighed as he fixed his grip and he looked at you. "Chloe- before anything happens to us, I want you to know that I love you. Shuck, you have no idea how in love I am with you. And I never said anything cause you're too good for me and because i was scared something like this would happen and that I'd leave you alone in Glade." he admitted and grunted as his hand began to slip. You watched him and the sky behind him that was beginning to light up. "I'm going to let go Chloe but I'll distract the griever long enough for you to run and find another spot to hide in." He suggested and clenched his teeth as he tried to stay up a little longer. You shook your head, "No- no! Minho! The suns rising, the maze will be opening soon. Look, they're leaving, returning to where ever they came from" you panted and slowly moved yourself down the vines. Minho followed your moved but continued to look out for any griever that might have stayed behind. 

You both climbed out of the vines and walked out slowly to the maze, before you stopped and smiled. "We did it, oh my god, Min-" you were cut short by Minho's lips on yours. Both of his bloody hands on each side of your face but your didn't mind. Your hands were also rubbed raw from the vines but you ignored the firey pain that you felt as you clenched his sweaty tee in your hands. The doors slid open and Newt ran out along with Thomas in search for any sign of living gladers. They stopped short at the sight of up. "Oh shuck, you shanks are both alive!" Tommy breathed out as his eyes soaked in the sight. "And kissing" added Newt, confused. "Good that..." Tommy agreed, equally confused. You pulled away from Minho and smiled, "lets get out of this maze" you almost begged, allowing Minho to join you in exiting the Maze. 

Back at the map room, you were leaning against the table and watching Minho draw up the map of yesterdays maze. You watched him intensely focused on the drawing. "I love you too, and I'm not too good for you. I think were just perfect for each other" you smiled and kissed his cheek, making him look up at you and smile. "I'm glad you think that Chloe".

A?N: Sorry if its not what you wanted Chloe, you just didn't leave much of a description. I'd be happy to make changes if you'd like.

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