Chapter 15: Oh! That's a Cheater!

Start from the beginning

"I can explain-" I was silenced by Kakyoin's finger on my mouth.

"Shh, I don't listen to cheaters." he removed his finger from my mouth and stood back up from his bent over position. "Now, because of this event, our break is officially over."

"What! You said we had forty-five minutes!" I protested, I was quickly shut up by Kakyoin sending a glare my way.

"Stand up so we can start." Kakyoin folded his arms tapping his foot impatiently. I stood up dusting myself off. "We are going to continue what you were doing before the break." I walked to the center of my room as Kakyoin made his way of to the record player. I got into position with Star Platinum and waited for the classical music to fill the room like usual.

     Once it started Star and I continued from where we left off. I had no problem lifting my feet, but I still had trouble with putting them too close together. I stopped for a couple seconds and took a few breaths. I collected myself and started the step again. I ended up placing my feet in a decent spot. I'm almost there.

     I stepped so that my feet were too far apart a couple times, and sometimes they were too close. Even so, I was getting closer. Finally I had stepped in the perfect place. I did it once, then again, and then another time. Now every time I stepped to the side my feet were in the perfect position. The music stopped and I looked over at a smiling Kakyoin.

"Good job Jotaro! Since you have the move down, let's practice it together." Kakyoin restarted the record and got into position with me. I then remembered how much harder it was to do this step with Kakyoin. The sweating, and rising body temperature did nothing to help me with my dancing. Especially his gaze, those eyes that suck me in like a black hole. His body takes my mind off of what my next move is supposed to be, I mean how could I not get distracted by his curves? My heart also beats so fast that I feel like I could have a heart attack at any moment.

     At least I can say I was able to dance with Kakyoin without getting these symptoms successfully once. Although, I did get this warm feeling in my chest, but that was about it. I did my best to dance with Kakyoin trying my best to ignore these feelings like usual, they got in my way a couple times causing me to accidentally step on his foot, make me lose balance by stepping too close together, or dragging my feet again. However, like usual, we got it after a good while.

     We pulled apart and I felt like I could breathe again, but there was also this feeling of disappointment.

"I know I said it before, but good job Jotaro! I'm really proud of you, you have come a long way!" Kakyoin complimented me, giving me a large genuine smile.

"It's all thanks to my teacher. Without him, I'd be lost." After saying that sentence I felt like it meant more than what I had originally anticipated. I guess without him, I'd be lost from a lot of things. Kakyoin means a lot to me.

"Oh Jotaro, you flatter me too much." Kakyoin laughed lightly looking away from me, but I could see red dusting his cheeks and ears. I wonder if I mean a lot to Kakyoin too? "Since you did so well with the lesson today, we can take the remaining time that I'm here for to use as a break, since I cut the other one short." Kakyoin said looking at me now.

"Alright, what should we do?" I asked.

"I don't really feel like playing Oh! That's a Baseball, how about F-Mega?" He proposed.

"Alright, as long as I can pick what we do for our break tomorrow." I responded.

"Deal." Kakyoin then sat in front of the TV and set up F-Mega. I ultimately failed at the game, this time I got no help from the old man. I had to sit and watch Kakyoin destroy me over and over again until he checked the time and said he had to go. He shut off the console and wrapped it up.

"I'll be heading home now, today was a lot of fun! I'll see you tomorrow!" He gave me a small wave like usual and left. This is by far the best Saturday I've had in a awhile.


1510 words


First weekend lesson was successful I'd say! Now there are only 5 days until the school event, I'm super excited! Once again I'm so sorry for the late update, I had a really busy week. I will update on Sunday this week again. So, until next time!


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