Lucas and Jasmine explain it all.

How people stormed into the school and took those two after knocking them out with a direct hit of monoxide.

Lucas told us that this man helped Jasmine and him, warning them something bad is going on.

Nice guy, hopefully it's not a trap.

"Did this guy tell you his name?", Castro asks.

Jasmine answers, sitting cross legged on the chair. "Joshua Blake."

"What do you mean he says something bad is going on?", Castro asks again.

Lucas and Jasmine then go on a full discussion, Jayden butting in for input.

"Ms. Castro, what are you going to tell the students and parents? This would have been on the news already", Jayden ponders brows furrowing.

"I'm going to say we were  on lockdown because of the monoxide smoke, and that we cleared it out and will have cops around us to stay safe."

My head starts spinning again and I close my eyes and start to message my temples.

"Okay, we will discuss this later. For now  let's go home and rest. All of us have been exposed to monoxide and we need to cleanse ", Lucas claims, everyone agreeing and filing out the door.

I stay in my seat and feel his hand on my shoulder, standing behind my chair.

"Quite a Friday hm?", he laughs softly as he messages my shoulders. "Come on, I'll drop you home."


I try not to give in to the lull of his car, and the scent of his car which smells like him.

Confusing mysterious and manly clothing.

He never reeked or cologne, it was always so subtle as if he doesn't bother to use more than half a spray.

Is manly clothing a smell? Yes, yes it is.

"Are you feeling okay?", I hear him ask voice thick with concern.

I force my eyes to open and look at him.

He's driving, half his head facing the road the other to me, like he wants to look at both.

"I'm fine, are you? You got hit with monoxide too."

"I did, but you took the biggest hit out of all of us. Damn, you dismantled all those bombs?"

I laugh. "Don't act surprised", I say sarcastically.

There's a few beats of silence. "I'm glad we split ways today. It gave me peace knowing you were at the school. I knew you would be able to handle anything and I wouldn't need to worry. I was right."

My heart warms immediately with his words. I don't partner ever I don't like it, but these words reassured me I'm playing my part.

We reach my home and he walks with me to my front door, which opens almost immediately with a frantic Grace standing.

"Oh thank God you aren't hurt", she hugs me tight then hugs Lucas.

"You too, I heard the news and I told Mark not to head to the school as I knew you guys would be gone", She says to me and Lucas, Lucas hugging her back half confused and half willing.

"Come in both of you."

Lucas steps back. "No, don't worry you two-"

"I said both of you."

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