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"A traitor?" I asked, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Horus shrugged, "To be honest, I don't know, either. Mum's like that when she predicts something; she always wants to keep you guessing. Although rather vague, this Traitor may be of use to you guardians; although I myself have no idea who chose him or her to be a guardian."

He was lost in thought for a while, and I noticed Hannah was, too. I came to her and asked,"You think we know this traitor?"

Hannah shook her head, "To be honest, I don't know what to think. The traitor could be anybody, but this is just the first piece of one big puzzle. We need to be on the lookout for all the other pieces so if this traitor betrays us, we'd be ready."

"Or," Mac said, "The traitor could simply betray the enemy. As far as I'm concerned, the traitor could betray anybody. We need to be on the lookout."

"That's what I said, "Hannah scowled at him, "You-"

"And now," Horus walked towards the tables, "Thoth informed me on my way here that he owes Mac and my little cutie-pie a favor, so," he turned to Mac, "Choose your weapon!"

Mac looked at the weapons. There were several arrays of battle-axes, whips, maces, swords, and spears on several tables. 

"I'm not feeling these weapons," he muttered," I need something..." he looked up at Horus, "Like me." 

"Something brainless, slow to understanding, and hard-headed?" Natalia raised an eyebrow, to which Mac replied, "Exactly!"

"Hmmm..." Horus thought, "Maybe you'll need a hammer, then... Or better still..." He snapped his fingers and the ground in front of them opened. A platform rose, and on the platform were several large hammers, mallets, and sledgehammers. 

Mac pointed at a red sledgehammer," That one."

Horus looked at Mac. "Are you sure?" Horus asked, "This one's, ah, different. It actually belongs to Sekhmet, goddess of war, and is really very-"

"Nah, I'm fine with this one," Mac picked it up, and Horus slurred the last word,"-heavy..."

Mac flipped it in his hands and gripped it firmly, "Yup," he turned to Horus, "this is good."

Horus nodded, a bit startled, then turned to Natalia, "And you, dear cutie-pie-"

"I am NOT a cutie-pie, you thick-headed oaf!" Natalia yelled at him, but he just smiled and snapped his fingers. A black leather jacket appeared above her and landed on her face, and she swore, then asked, "What the heck is this supposed to mean?"

"It's a jacket," he winked," An attack-proof jacket. Literally nothing below the attack of a god can penetrate the jacket, so you're welcome."

Natalia rolled her eyes and tied the jacket around her waist.

Horus shrugged, "Ah, well. You're still adorable."

Natalia gritted her teeth, then Horus said, "Ah, well. It seems I have told you four all that I should. If I reckon correctly, you four were on a quest to save Jones'mom, is that right?"

We nodded, and Hannah asked, "We were actually supposed to meet the Scorpion of the Sahara-"

"Yes, I know, "Horus said, "I honestly wish I could help you guardians out, but, well, if I help you, mum'll get mad. And trust me," he shook his head, "You do NOT want my mom to get mad at you."

Horus snapped his fingers, and reality seemed to bend itself. The room suddenly became a large hall, and the ceiling was gone. All of a sudden, a huge falcon soared in from the skies and landed right beside Horus. 

The Scorpion of The Sahara...Trials of Fate Book 2Where stories live. Discover now