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The goddess looked at the crying child, a look of distaste boldly written on her face.

Beside the goddess stood a boy with strawberry-blond hair, sandy-brown eyes and a faded pair of jeans for clothing. The boy's eyes filled with pity as she ordered her guards, "Lock her up."

"Mama, "the girl looked up at her in tears, "Please..."

The little girl's eyes were red and swollen from crying, her body lean and shaking from the hunger she had suffered the past few days.

 The boy looked at the goddess," She's your daughter?"

The goddess nodded and spat, "I wish she weren't. Never since the age of my childhood had I seen such a useless little girl. It's a shame her father's dead; I would have thrown both of them in here to rot."

The two muscular guards carried the girl, who struggled in vain, and tossed her into the cell. She wailed as they shut the bars, running to it and reaching out to the goddess, crying, "Mama! Mama!"

The boy looked at the crying girl with a mix of sadness and pity.

"But she's your daughter," he turned to the goddess," She's barely even seven years old."

The goddess turned to the boy and looked at him with disgust. "I see why your father hates you, Stanley," she said, "Your will is weak. In the world, we strive to build, only the strongest survive. This little girl is nothing but a weakling."

Stan looked down as the two walked away.  "The girl was born weak; she could barely survive being born. Her father went desperate to prove his loyalty to me; he used the Scorpion to give her strength, not just at the price of her sight, but his life as well. She was born to sustain my throne in case us gods did not arise anytime soon. Unfortunately, she is too weak to sustain even her own life. I'll leave the girl to rot in this cell, and I'll handle my throne like a proper queen."

The two walked out of the vault, flanked by the queen-goddess' guards as she looked at Stan. "Anyway," she turned to him, "I assume your father sent you to me for a reason?"

Stan nodded, "He told me to tell you that he has Jack's skull. The process can begin."

"Excellent," the queen smiled as they approached her castle. She turned to him and asked, "And you understand your part to play?"

Stan nodded sullenly, "I do, queen Serket."

"Serqet," the goddess corrected, "It's a q, not a k, and please don't ask me how I noticed the difference. It's much too annoying when mortals ask that."

Stan nodded as they got to the castle doors. Guards opened the doors for the queen, who entered and turned to Stan, who stayed outside as was the custom.

"Tell your father," the goddess said, "That he can count on me. Operation: Scorpion has officially begun. We will meet later to discuss more, but for now, I must enforce a few laws in this kingdom."

She turned and walked away, and the doors closed shut in front of Stan. 

He looked up at the night sky and sighed as two dragon-fly wings emerged from his back. 

As he flew off, he had just one purpose now. But this purpose was not his father's wish. He had to do it himself and damn the consequences. He was unsure of how it would turn out, but one thing was clear...

Operation: Scorpion had begun.



Hello, dear readers! It is I, _Con-Stole_, who in a fit of inspiration wrote this...well, whatever you want to call it.😅🙃

So, anyway, in case you didn't know, this is actually a sequel to my first book,,so, if you want to check it out, no problem. You can keep reading this one if you want, though.😁😅

So, if you liked this prologue, don't forget to tap on that vote icon! And comments are always welcome!🤗🤩

 I usually give a couple of shout-outs here and there, so don't be surprised if your name pops out in one of my A/N's! It's usually my way of saying Thank-You for your comments, votes, or just for reading my book!🤗😍🤩😘💖

I hope you stick around for the next chapter! See you there!😘👋

The Scorpion of The Sahara...Trials of Fate Book 2Where stories live. Discover now