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So, if you got anything out of the last chapter, things were only getting worse for us.

So when the Scorpion of the Sahara charged at us, we weren't even surprised.

We just turned to Hannah for the next plan of action.

"Well," Hannah stated, "We're clearly surrounded, and we've got that guy to worry about," she turned to us, "But at least we've got each other. So our main objective is to get out of here in one piece."

"With an army and a half against us?" Mac huffed, wielding his hammer, "At least taking out monsters was easy..."

"Stan," Hannah turned to him, "Just how many insects can you summon?"

Stan smirked, "An entire swarm, if I want to."

"At least you've improved," Natalia muttered, and Hannah continued, "Good. We can't possibly take on the entire army and not kill at least one guy, so we'll need a distraction. Send in the swarm to keep the soldiers busy until that..." Hannah squinted at the colossal beast,"...That Titan gets close enough to be a threat to literally everyone," she turned to us, "Once that's done I'll tell you the rest of the plan," she nodded at Stan, "Send them in."

Stan's pupils kind of just disappeared, becoming glassy white as he looked up.

The soldiers started to charge at us, and within seconds an entire swarm of locusts descended from the skies. With a wave of Stan's hands, they spread out, sweeping around the charging army and confusing the soldiers. Some of them started to yell in frustration and hit each other in attempts to scatter the locusts, and from there, some of them started to fight each other because someone got hit too hard. Some soldiers started to fire arrows blindly, and pretty soon misfired arrows were sailing all over the place.

Within seconds, it was chaos.

"Hmph," Mac smiled, "Wonder how many locusts are in a swarm..."

"About forty million," Hannah turned to me and pointed to our left, "You're gonna have to carve out a path we'd use to get out of here with your flames. The soldiers are already pretty fazed, so it won't be too hard."

I nodded and got to work, running to the left and thrusting flames from my hands. Soldiers screamed and ran, and locusts fled the area. Using my flames I made a straight path, with a row of flames on my left and right.

Hannah nodded and gestured to the others, "Let's move."

We ran through my path, with Hannah in the lead, followed by Stan and Natalia. Mum picked Sal up and ran with her, and Mac and I followed behind them. With flames on our sides, we didn't have a problem running out of there in a hurry.

We ran into a small street beside the point we crashed, and following Hannah, we ran to the south. A bunch of soldiers were running away, too, either freaked out or terrified of the swarm. I did a bit of math in my head and figured that we were surrounded back there by about a few thousand soldiers, which meant that there were definitely more than enough locusts for every guy in there.

With the way we ran, it looked like we'd be able to get out of the scorpion kingdom in a few minutes, tops.

Until we heard that voice.


Whoever owned the voice didn't even shout. He just said it loud enough for us to hear, but there was so much power in that voice we all stopped to see who it belonged to.

As we turned, the entire swarm of locusts retreated.

Khepri flew just above us, wearing a smirk on his face, as the swarm flew off behind him, disappearing off to wherever they came from.

The Scorpion of The Sahara...Trials of Fate Book 2Where stories live. Discover now