chapter 4

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     After preparing spaghetti bolongese and chicken Briyani, for lunch. I went to sleep, Ammah thought it was the stress of cooking that made me go to sleep. She wasn't aware that I wanted to be alone and I needed some sleep for my messed up head.

      Its been three days since I started starving myself. Wallahi, if it wasn't against Allah's commandment. I would have committed suicide sosei.

      When I woke up, my eyes were swollen like a person who has been beating black and blue. My hair was messed up and I looked tattered Just like a mad woman. I entered the bathroom and took a shower then I went to the sitting room.

Sannu,i see you just came back to your journey, how was it?, Ammah teased.

Alhamdulilahi, I enjoyed my sleep, I told her faking a smile.

Have you eaten? She asked.

Trust me mum, I like myself the most, I was the first person to eat. I ate before sleeping, I lied.

I walked past her and went to the garden, outside. That is where I usually go whenever I want to have a moment of my own.

I really missed Baba,Ya Ibrahim and ya Moshood. Eid day was the last time I saw my dad and Ya Ibrahim. Although,ya Moshood visits seldomly, I still missed him and now he has gone back to kastina for school.

Ya Ibrahim  and ya moshood are my half brothers and they live with my dad and their mum.

I am from a polygamous family. I have three half brothers and sisters each. I don't really relate with them except ya moshood and ya Ibrahim.

They seem to be more carefree, funny and nice .ya Ibrahim was my favorite brother, he understands and sees through me. He notices whenever something is wrong with me.

But I feel so bad and guilty to face him because despite how I trust him.

I feel so scared and ashamed to tell him.How am I supposed to narrate the most unfortunate story of my life to him.How on earth do i expect or make him to believe me.the thought of it was so saddening that his pal,his cousin could do perform such abomination.

After so much drama,whining and weeping.Ammah finally accepted my request of visiting baba.i didn't take much time to dress and go with my brother,Ahmad.

Baba's house
Sannu babana,i greeted him squatting and engulfed him in a big hug.

I miss you so much,baba,i said not aware of the tears that were dripping down my face.

Yarinyata,i miss you too.we had a small conversation before going to see ya ibrahim in his the boy's room.

Entering there,i saw Ahmad and Zubair,my cousin(distant)talking.

Assalamu alaikum,i greeted them now facing ya ibrahim after they responded to my salaamah(greetings).

I sat down to talk to ya ibrahim and he filled me in to what i could've missed during the days i didn't visit.

During those times,i didn't worry about anything.i  was just like any other sane person who didnt have nothing to worry about.

The time Ammah gave us was up.i had to go and i would miss my darling dad and brother once again.

I informed my dad of my departure and he packed some goodies for me.

I hugged him once again before turning to leave with Ahmad.

Allah Hafiz,baba,i said with teary eyes before walking out of his sight.

Allah Hafiz,my daughter he muttered inaudibly.

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