"Relax Mrs.Fakih. Your daughter is safe and fine." He replied in a calm voice.

"Fine? huh.....Fine? Don't you dare fool me. I've seen her struggling and crying while you forcefully took her away from us. Who the hell do you think you are? Just bring me my daughter back....I don't care about anything." I see him clenching his fists tightly trying to control his anger, as amma bellowed.

He ignored her and walked towards baba with a bouquet in his hand. "We could not introduce ourselves due to circumstances Mr.Fakih." He spoke. "Zacharias Ivanov." He introduced himself after placing the bouquet on the table. Baba just stared at him angrily. "How are you feeling now?" Baba scoffed.

"Will you cut the crap and answer me why are you here and where is my daughter?"

"She is safe" he replied.

Baba folded his hands as he asked, "And why would I believe you?"

"Because she is my wife. And I would never hurt her, nor let anyone hurt her." His voice increased as he replied.

One thing that I observed about this man is, he doesn't like being asked or ordered around. His demeanor speaks power.

"Why did you marry her? What are your intentions for crossing all over the seas just to marry her? And how did you know she was getting married?" I confronted him.

He slowly turned towards me tilting his head. "And why do you think I'll answer you?"

"Because she is my sister we are talking about." I replied enraged.

"I deeply care for her, that's all you have to know for now. Now my turn.... I would like to know why were you'll so persistent in marrying her off to that pest who tried to rape her?" He spoke inserting his hands in his pant pockets.

"What?" We all were shocked to hear that.

'How does he know about her past? ' I was completely startled.

"Wh-What are you trying to say?" Dad stuttered completely taken aback.

"That bastard who you all were so keen on making your son in law, tried to rape her yesterday at the spa." He informed shocking us all to the core.

"Ya Allah No!" Amma shrieked, covering her mouth with her palm.

'That is why she had a panic attack.' I thought remembering her disheveled state.

"But she did not say us anything, instead she insisted on continuing with the wedding." Dad tried to say.

"Cause he had threatened her on your lives.Can you not see through your own daughter? How can you all be so ignorant?" He shouted , making us all flinch at his dangerous aura.

"Mr.Ansari" He turned towards me. "Do you remember a guy approaching you before the wedding, joking about snipers?"

I nodded my head. Yes I do remember a white man, approaching me. He looked to be around in his early twenties. I thought he was just some foreigner trying to know about Indian weddings, while, I thought he was weird when he joked about some snipers at the wedding. Why would anyone pull a joke like that? Now come to think of it....Oh my God! My eyes widened in realization.

"It was you? Those were your people?"

"Yes. How could you all be in such an oblivion of your surrounding? That swine had place  snipers all around the venue to kill you all. That was why I had sent one of my men to confirm my suspicions. And I was sure there was something amiss about this wedding. He had threatened her that, if she speaks a word out about him, you all will be dead. And my WIFE being an angel she is, decided to sacrifice herself to that demon to protect her loved ones. Had I been informed a little late, and would have not reached on time, she would have been living in a hell by now." He spoke gritting his teeth pressing more on the word 'wife'.

"Ya Allah! What did we do? She was saying no for this marriage from the very start but instead we forced her." Amma gasped in agony. I could see a tear slipping from baba's eyes.

"How dare you all force her to marry someone? What kind of parents do that?" He growled agitated.

"We would never force our child for marriage. But since before her trip to New York, we started receiving threatening calls and messages. It was during that period that we received this proposal. Hence, in order to protect her, we thought, it would be better to get her married as soon as possible before the demon from her past reaches her. But coming to think of it, now I can see the dots connecting. He is that same bastard from whom we were trying to protect our child from the last 8yrs. He unfortunately saw her at her cousins wedding and planned this all out. He was the same man who was threatening us and also the one who wore a gentleman's mask and asked her hand in marriage. In order for us to not reject this proposal, he threatened us through calls and messages so that we would get pressurized and force our daughter for the marriage. And indeed we fell into his trap." Baba replied guiltily.

I was shocked to hear this. "You were getting threats? And you are saying this now? And you knew about this right dad?" I asked turning towards dad to which he just nodded his head looking away guiltily. "And you didn't bother informing me? This how much you both trust your son?" I asked, looking at them dejectedly.

"No son, do not blame your dad for it. He wanted to tell you, but I requested him not to put more burden on you." Baba defended.

"Why does she gets nightmares? What's the reason behind her panic attacks?" Mr. Ivanov's question blew us.

"Did she...." Mom trailed off. He just nodded his head.

"How did you control her? She didn't even had her medicines with her?" I inquired.

He didn't answer. Instead he stared into oblivion before speaking, "That's not the question here...I'm here to know the reason behind this condition of hers. Mr.Fakih, you mentioned something about 8yrs back. What happened 8yrs before? I want to know each and every detail."

Baba looked taken aback, but quickly composed himself folding his arms on his chest as he frowned, "And why do you think we would trust you to answer your questions?"

Mr.Ivanov raised his eyebrows, "I think we have already established that...I am her husband and I am the only one who can protect her from that vile man. And believe me, if I wanted to, I could have known it the other way too. But I know this is very personal, that is why I am trying to be polite and getting to know from you people. I am sure you would like to meet your daughter before we leave for New York. So how about we get over with this quickly?"

He turned his gaze towards me, "You do know who I am right?"

I gulped at his question staring at him wide eyed. I just managed to nod my head. Off course I had gone through every background detail about this man, as soon as, Riya revealed to me about him. I googled and gathered the information as much as I could and had also requested my friends in New York to provide me as much information as they could gather about him. Only then I took a relieved sigh when I got a positive response from every single person. That was why I was relieved in one way, knowing that my baby sister is in safe hands. But how does he know about that? Sure he really is a powerful man with quite high connections.

"Now if we are done with this, shall we proceed? Tell me what happened 8 years back.... " He questioned again, getting more agitated with each passing second.

I looked at baba to which he gave me a nod of acceptance. I took a deep breath making myself ready to open our old wounds, cause this was the most sensitive topic. Sighing heavily, I started speaking, rewinding my memory to that agonizing incident that took place 8yrs back......

                                                                                                                                         To be continued....................

Next Chapter coming right up tonight....

Till then enjoy reading this chapter.....

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