30 | Truth or Dare

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"What are you doing?"

Steph turns to see Luke's phone in his hands just as she's holding hers.

"I'm going to call her," Luke answers.

"We're in a party, the noise," the third guy says.

Luke groans. "Let me go find her then."

He stands and walks away in search of Ivy and only then does Stephanie breathe normally since she got back. She moves to sit beside Brooke.

"Why did you leave there?" Brooke asks.

"I'm not comfortable beside him and he might come back with poison Ivy," Steph answers softly so that Cole who is at the other side of Brooke won't hear.

Brooke shakes her head.
They both watch a brunette walk over to them and sit beside the guy talking to Cole. She immediately wraps her hands around his bicep.

"I've been looking everywhere for you Skye," she croons.

That's his name, Steph thinks.

"I just came to have a little chat with Luke and Cole," Skye replies her.

"Doesn't matter. I'm with you now," the girl croons while still hugging Skye's left arm.

Brooke rolls her eyes.
She gets back to talking with Cole while Skye talks to his girl.

Steph sighs and unlocks her phone to continue playing Candy Crush.

A few minutes later, Luke returns but not alone. He has Ivy and Aspen with him.

"Found her," he announces. "I told you guys nothing was wrong." He ends up sitting on the couch, beside Skye's girl.

Steph looks up at Luke's arrival and she's glad she left her previous position beside him.

Ivy hasn't noticed her yet because she's busy glaring at the girl beside Luke-- Skye's girl, who isn't paying her any attention.

Steph watches Ivy as she walks over to sit beside her boyfriend. Instead of sitting at Luke's right side, Ivy squeezes herself to sit in the little space between him and the girl. Luke smiles before making more room for her to sit comfortably.

After that, Ivy begins to scan the faces of people seated and Steph looks away before her eyes land on her. Ivy shoot daggers with her eyes when it lands on Brooke who hasn't spared her a glance since she came. Then she does the same to Steph beside her.
After a moment of everyone doing what that want, Aspen speaks.

"Hey. Let's play a game," she suggests from her position near Luke. She had made sure to leave enough space for two people between them. She doesn't wanna get on Ivy's bad side.

"Yeah. How about 'Truth or Dare'?" Skye's girl says with a cheery voice.

"I'm in," Aspen agrees.
Others agree but Steph doesn't say anything.

"Must a stupid childish game be played at every one of these parties?" Steph whispers to Brooke.

Brooke shakes her head slightly with a small smile on her lips. "Stephanie...."

"I'm not participating in this game," Steph tells her.

"Okay. It's your choice," Brooke replies.

"Before we start," Skye's girl rises to her feet, "let me get Cleo. She loves playing this game."
With that said, she walks off to find her friend.
She returns with a blonde and guess who her friend drags along -- Christopher.

Steph recognizes her as the girl he was making out with.
At least I'm not participating, Steph thinks.

Skye's girl returns to her previous seat while Cleo and Chris occupy the space between Aspen and Luke.
Chris and Steph lock eyes for a moment. A smirk appears on Chris' face and he winks at her. Steph breaks the eye contact and looks away.
Chris doesn't like the idea of having to play 'Truth or Dare' with Ivy present but Stephanie is, and it'd be fun.

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