Hideri smirked, poking on his side. "He isn't moving. You're alright there, Akizuki?"

Akizuki finally got to his sense and look away, blushing. "S-Shut up!"

Karin giggled a bit to his flustered side. Mafuyu looked over to her as she notice something. "You know, Karin. You look a lot like your mother with that make-up."

"Maybe if I have shorter hair, than I would look like her." Karin replied and look over to her bag and search for her wallet. She took it out and let out a small photo of her and her family. "Here."

Maika and Kaho look at the photo as they see the resemblance. "Is this your mother? She looks so pretty!"

"Hm! She's beautiful!"

"You guys sound lively today." The door open to reveal Dino walking in with his usual expression, wondering what made the others being loud. He then lay eyes on Karin, who he hasn't registered who it was with how heavy the make-up is. "Who's the new lady?"

Karin sweat dropped since Dino was look at her. "It's me, Manager."

"Hoyoshi?! I barely recognize you!"

"That's Mafuyu's magic for you!"

Karin stood up before walking over to her locker, letting out a towel. "We're about to open, so let's get ready!" She made her way to the bathroom to wash out the make-up since work is about to open.

Before she could splash her face, she look at the mirror in wonder. Turns out, she now see the resemblance. "I do look like my mom, huh?"

As she was done, she walk out to see Akizuki leaning on the wall. "Koyo? Why aren't changing to your uniform?"

"The others were getting ready, so I'm waiting. But..." The boy walk towards her before pinning her to the wall, leaning into her.


"Don't worry. The others are inside. I just want to say this to you." Akizuki cup her cheek and smiled. "Even without make-up, you still look beautiful." He leaned in to pressed his lips on hers. It was a quick one, but she felt how sincere he is in the kiss.

They leaned back as Akizuki lean his forehead on hers. Karin sees his cheeks were burning which made her giggle. "Koyo, I don't think I've told you this, but I actually love this side of you."

Akizuki jumped a little as he made space for both of them. "I-I-I mean...if you don't mind...."

"Oh, you don't have too! I still like the way you are!"

"So..." The male started to lean into her ear as he whisper. "You like someone who's being bold, huh? I find that cute."

Now it was Karin's turn to blush as steams started to come out of her ears. 'Aahhh... Koyo would always hesitate when it comes to that kind of thing, but he's being so bold today!'


It was nighttime and the café was closed for the day. The girls were changing at the break room while the boys clean up the kitchen. Karin sat on the table with Smokey out of his cage to play. Karin had already change to her entire so she could play with Smokey for a while before heading home. She then heard a loud scream coming from behind her, startling her and Smokey.

"What's wrong?!" Maika asked, gripping her uniform out of fright.

"Don't scream so sudden, it startled me."

Kaho started to calm down before pointing on her clothes she threw. "A-After all, there's a big caterpillar on my clothes!"

Karin look over to the uniform and stood up to pick it up. She examine it to see a fake eyelash stuck on it. "Don't worry, Kaho. It's just the false eyelashes Mafuyu had put on you."

Kaho kneeled down as a huge relief sigh was let out. "Oh... I'm definitely done with make-up for a while."

Karin shook her head before giving the clothes back to her. She then put Smokey back to his cage and bid them goodbye, walking away to the exit where Akizuki was waiting for her. As they exited the shop, she felt her phone vibrate from her pocket. "Could you hold Smokey's cage for awhile?"

"What's wrong?" Akizuki took the cage with his other hand inside his pocket.

Karin smiled to a message as she look up to him. "Oh, it's nothing. After the make-up this morning, I texted my mom to see how she and dad were doing. I've also thought of...visiting them as well."

Akizuki hummed out, nodding. "...And when is that?"

Karin thought for a moment as she put her phone back to her pocket, taking back Smokey's cage. "We'll see. Maybe I'll bring you along to meet them."

"I'll be gladly to." Akizuki smiled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.


"Good morning!" Maika greeted as she saw Kaho drinking from a cup of coffee. Karin and Smokey was sitting in front of her, playing with Smokey's fur.

"Good morning!" They both greeted as they drank their black coffee together.

Maika was about to seat next to Kaho when suddenly she saw her also drinking the same coffee as Karin, which she never saw her do it. "Kaho, you drink black coffee?"

"Once in a while these days!" Kaho replied, holding onto the bitterness of the drink.

"You've got adult tastes, Kaho!"

"But are you sure you can finish it? I could always add in the sugar for you." Karin suggested, watching how Kaho cringe to the bitterness of the coffee after taking a sip.

"Don't worry! I can manage!" Kaho smiled before facing at the coffee. "In fact, I'm pretty much forcing it down."

Maika look at the coffee as well. "Is it that bitter?"

"Very. But I guess there's another flavor in there, too." She replied, smiling softly.

"Another flavor?"

"And what is that?"

The blond smiled and turn to them. "The flavor of an adult big sister."

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