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Rainy and Then Windy

Part III


Karin felt her head spinned a little as she opened her eyes slowly. 'Uh? How did I got to my room?' Karin sat up and felt something fell from her forehead. She look at her lap to see a warm towel.

'It's warm...' She thought, taking the towel on her hand to feel its warmth. Then, remembered the event last night.

On her way home, she remembered that she was carried by Akizuki and he treated her. She also remembered that she and Akizuki both had confessed to each other, and they are both are now a couple.

The thought of them being a couple made the brunette blushed towards the thought. feeling something pass to her nose, she sneezed, cupping her nose.

"Bless you."

Karin heard from her bedroom door. She turned around to see Akizuki with a bowl of soup in hand. Akizuki walked to her and sat on the bed next to her legs. "I made you soup. I hope it's not too bland."

The girl took the bowl before slowly drinking the soup. The soup was rather thicker than her usual cooking, but as she taste the soup more, she started to recognize the taste. "This soup...did you try to re-create my recipe?"

"I kinda remembered your ingredients you used. I hope it's not too bad or bland or anything..."

"It's really good!" Karin exclaimed, smiling brightly at him as she continue to finish the soup.

The green-haired boy smiled and patted her head. He then check her fever by touching her forehead, only to meet a warm sensation. "You still have a fever. I think you should just take the day off."

Karin finished the soup as she rest the bowl on her lap before facing the boy. "I'll be fine! I can bring some pills and eat them when I feel worst."

"No, you're not. You are staying here where you can sleep."

"I'm going to work."

"No, you're not."

"Yes, I will."

"..." Akizuki sighed, knowing he won't win in this conversation. "Fine. But don't blame me if you faint while working."

Karin smiled to his cute tsundere side, which sometimes he haven't realize it yet. "I would not stand being inside doing nothing so maybe some fresh air and doing work can make my small cold go away."

"Is that all you need?"

Karin look at him and decided to tease. "Yup. That's all." She then went to the kitchen to wash the bowl.

Akizuki smirked. "This woman..."


At noon, the three waitresses were cleaning the tables before the shop opens. Akizuki walked out from his bathroom break and saw the girls cleaning. He soon realize someone missing among them. "Huh? Where's Sakuranomiya?"

The girls stopped what their doing as Kaho replied. "She's at home with a cold today."

Karin sneezed again. "E-excuse me..."

Mafuyu look at the girl. "Karin, you have been sneezing for quite alot since yesterday."

"I-It was the dust!"

"You're moping right now."

Karin didn't get to say anything back as she sighed. "Fine...I'm sick. But it's just a small fever!"

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